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Abi grabbed my arm and pulled me with her to cross the road. Now the young man was only a couple meters apart from me. He was smiling brightly while ordering a couple donuts.

Abi: "Come on let's get in!", Abi whispered and pushed me towards the glass door.

Taylor: "But what should I say?", I fizzed.

Abi: " "Hello" would be a good start and now, come on.", she answered and kept pushing me.

Taylor: "Abi stop that, I can walk on my own.", I whispered and reached for the doorknob.

Abi: "Not sure about that", Abi mumbled, but i ignored her.

The handsome man hadn't noticed me yet, the vendor handed him a brown bag full of good smelling donuts. "Thank you Miss", he said and turned around. That was when our eyes met. His faced turned red instantly. "Oh ehm...hi....nice to meet you again.", he mumbled, visible overstrained with the situation. "Yeah, we had a great time", I responded. My cheeks also started to blush as I thought about the night we had spent together. Abi giggled quietly. I stepped on her shoe inconspicuously. 

"Soo", Abi pushed me aside and reached out her hand. "Hi, my name is Abi, I'm her best friend", she started smiling. Thankful for the interruption the man shook Abis hand. "Hey Abi, nice to meet you, my name is Joe." After a short break he continued: "We didn't introduce ourselves last time, did we?", he asked me sounding kind of ashamed.
"No we didn't", I grinned. "My name is Taylor", I chuckled. We also shook hands. Abi pretended coughing and mumbled softly "n-number". I sighted, how could a single person be that embarrassing. However she had a point.

So I worked up the courage to ask him for his phone number. "Ehm, maybe you want to exchange numbers?", I asked him shyly.
"Sure, that's a great idea!". I looked directly into his bright blue eyes. He was gorgeous, absolutely gorgeous. For a moment I wasn't able to speak, so Joe just continued. He pulled out his phone and searched for his number. "Let me just give you my number and than you write me a message so I have yours?", he asked cheerful. "Sure". I typed in Joes number and put my phone back into the pocket of my jeans.

That was when a beautiful woman with bright blonde hair and dark brown eyes walked outside of the restroom. She was wearing a cute black dress and high-heels decorated with a small stripe of sparkling diamonds.

She was directly coming up at us. As she had reached Joe, she put her arms around him and said:
"So Jojo you got everything?".
"Yep", Joe triumphantly raised the brown paper bag. That was when the pretty lady noticed us. "Oh I'm sorry, I totally overlooked you two", she excused herself.

"My name is Patricia", she continued and smiled into Abis direction. Then she looked at me. She inhaled real quick. "Oh my goodness, you, you are Taylor Swift, right?", she stuttered.
I was overwhelmed by her beautiful smile. "Yes, guess that's me", I grinned, even though I felt my heart splitter into thousand little pieces.

There was only one thing I had on my mind: "Joe has a girlfriend."


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Have a great time! :)


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