Tiny hands

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I woke up early the next day, even though I had spend most of the night with Abi on my terrace. We had been talking about pregnancy, baby's and all that stuff. I poured myself a small cup of coffee in, taking way more milk than usual. Abi told me that too much coffee isn't good for the baby...
I should definitely order some pregnancy advisors later. The cats were already waiting as I filled their cups with provender. The weather looked beautiful that day so I decided to go out for a short walk. I grabbed a pair of skinny blue jeans and a red hoodie. And not to forget my sunglasses and my black cap. I really didn't want anybody to recognize me, because this can escalate really quickly. It had happened only a month ago when two young girls had spotted me walking through a shopping mall, it had taken not more than five minutes to have nearly hundred people around me, their had been even a young girl who had fallen down and the other people nearly treaded her down. Luckily their were some police officers nearby which were able to manage the situation. That was only one reasons why I was usually not walking on my own in bigger city's.

"Josh, I'm out for a walk", I shouted as I closed the heavy wooden door behind me. Josh was usually cleaning my house, I also did a little bit of the cleaning by myself but I just didn't have the time to do all of the cleaning. Not while living in such a big house. Josh really was an angel, he would not only clean the house but was also able to repair every single thing in it. He has been working for me for over five years now and was already more a friend than anything else.

I walked a few minutes along the street and than turned left to follow a tiny path into the forest. I heard the wind brush through the trees and some birds were singing some calming melodies. That was exactly what I needed right now. I walked on for a few more minutes and than sat down on a wooden bench. After a while a young woman walked by. She was carrying a little baby boy on her arm while trying to convince her dog to walk. As she came closer I could tell that it was a German Shepard, he seemed to be pretty young, not older than a couple months.As they had reached my bench the dog decided to sit down and refused completely to walk on. "Oh come on Rudy, I can't pull you the whole way", the woman said looking a little bit desperately. The little boy on her arm started laughing. "Chris that's not funny at all, the two of you are really exhausting!", she started to tickle the baby a little bit, which let him laugh even louder. I could't help myself but smile, what a chaotic trio. "Shoo, shoo", the kid pointed to the floor. "Oh that's perfect, my shoe is open", the woman grumbled, than she saw me. "Hi, would you mind helping me out and hold him for a moment ?", she asked me while looking a bit helpless. "Sure no problem", I answered and stood up quickly. Carefully I took the little baby boy out of his mommy's arms. I felt his small tiny arms clasping my neck. "Hey little man, what's your name", I said smiling. The boy started playing with my hair and also smiled at me. He had little freckles on his nose, which made him look even more cute. "Chiii", he told me and started to touch my cheeks gently. "That's Christoph, the stubborn boy sitting on the floor is Rudy and I'm Ella", the blonde woman told me and grinned. "Nice to meet you, I'm (I stopped for a moment) Betty", I really didn't want her to recognize me now. "Looks like somebody is tired of walking", I pointed to the little puppy, meanwhile he had lied himself on the floor and had started to chew on a tiny stick. "Yeah it's horrible, they both want to be carried the whole way, but together they are pretty heavy". The woman shook her head. "I'm new in this neighborhood, we've moved her only a couple of weeks ago, Chris' father has to work in our hometown for three more months, up to then we are on our own.", she explained. "Where do you live?", I asked her curiously. "Just up the hill, along this path". Ella pointed to the path I was coming from. That's the same direction I have to go, I would love to help you out and carry Chris a bit, so you can take Rudy.", I offered. "Oh that would be awesome". "Come here you little munchkin" she whispered and picked Rudy up. Soon we had reached her house, which was probably only ten minutes apart from mine. "You really saved my life, I would be happy if I could invite you over for some coffee sometime?" "Sure that would be great", I answered. "I want to stay with Betty", the little man mumbled as I reached him over to his mother. "You're good with kids, do you have some own?", Ella said and smiled brightly. "No", I said quickly. "Not yet", I added in my thoughts. We exchanged numbers and than said goodbye. I walked home happily, I could still feel the touch of Chris' little hands on my skin.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter. If so, I would be happy if you vote for it or leave a comment. See you in chapter 4!❤

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