The Result

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I didn't had a pregnancy test at home and I didn't want to take the test by my own. I really needed someone with me, if it should be positive. There was only one person to call. My best friend Abigail or Abi, that's how I'm used to call her. After taking another sip of my soda I dialed her number. She picked up immediately.

Abi: "Hi girl, what's up?"

Taylor: "Abi...I really need", my voice was shaking.

Abi: "Oh my gosh, baby what has happened", she sounded worried now.

Taylor: "Abi...I think I"m pre...pregnant", speaking it out loud kind of made it feel even more realistic to me.

Abi: "Oh honey...I, I really wasn't expecting this...I mean you and Jackson. You guys broke up, right"?

Taylor: sobbing...

Abi: "Taylor, baby please stop crying, everything is gonna be alright. I will take a short stop at the drugstore to get you a test? I'll be with you in fifteen minutes, how does this sound?"

Taylor: "Thank you Abi."

I still was shivering as I hung up. "Come on girl, it is only a baby, you love kids", I told myself. I turned the radio on, crawled onto my bed and covered myself with a cozy blanket. A few minutes later my cat Benjamin jumped onto my bed and scrambled under my blanket. His soft fur touched my leg and as he started to snore I felt myself calm a little bit. A few minutes later the doorbell rang. Abigail. As soon as I opened the door, Abi grabbed my arm and hugged me. "Oh girl, what are you doing", she mumbled, while wiping a small tear of my cheek. "Actually, babies are quite cute", she smiled while winking at me. "I know", I answered while I had to grin a bit. "You look a lot better, when you're smiling", she told me and rubbed my shoulder a little bit. "So come on let's to this test, let s find out if you are going to be mommy, you'll be a great one, just to say", she spoke on. "Abi I'm scared", I said after a while. "No matter the result Taylor, it will work out. It always does.", Abi told me while pushing myself towards the bathroom.


I played with my hair nervously as both of us were sitting at the kitchen table waiting for the test result to pop up. After a few minutes we heard a short tone. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. "Abi, please take a look, I'm not ready", I told my best friend. She said nothing. "Abi?", I asked after a while. "Honey, I'm afraid to tell're supposition was true. You're pregnant", she said softly. I felt my heartbeat raise. "Wow, that's...I, I just don't really know what to say Abi,... everything's going to change." Even though I had been so afraid to know the result of the pregnancy test, I felt kind of relived know. Nobody said something for a while, than Abi touched my hand: "Taylor you should make an appointment at the doctor, just to be sure. I mean those tests can be wrong sometimes.". I nodded. I'll message Kylie to make an appointment for next week. Kylie was my personal manger. She was planning pretty much everything that was happening in my life. I also told her that I need a week of. I needed some time to sort my thoughts. After that was done I ordered lunch for Abi and me . We had pizza from my favorite italien restaurant. After we've eaten I felt a lot better. Abi wiped some tomato sauce of her mouth and looked at me directly: "So Taylor, tell me now, what is that with you and Ethan, i really thought the two of you finally broke up?". "Yeah we did.", I said slowly. Abi raised her eyebrows at me: "But"? Then continued: "I mean, he is the father right? Right Taylor?" "Maybe...", I whispered while biting my finger. "Maybe? Taylor, you wanna tell me something?", Abi asked, sounding really surprised this time. I took a deep breath. "There was this cute guy, I've met him in a coffee...and yeah we've spend a night together. You know I don't do things like this normally, but this time...everything felt just right.", I told her carefully. Abi looked at me, kind of angry, saying: "Taylor I'm shocked...not that it had happened, but that you didn't say anything. You should tell me about things like this." "I know Abi, I'm sorry", I mumbled. "Never mind, but Jackson...?", Abi asked, looking directly into my eyes. "Could be also the father", I completed her sentence. "Oh well", Abi said putting her hand at her forehead. "So you and this "cute guy", are you still in contact with him? What's his name? Do I know him?", she asked slowly. "You don't know him and I don't have contact with him. Actually, I don't even asked for his name", I told her and felt myself blushing. "Oh honey, there is a lot to figure out", Abi said to me, shaking her head.

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