Making it public

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On the next day I got a call from Kylie.

Kylie: Hey Taylor, how are you?

Taylor: I'm good thank you, why are you calling?

Kylie: I think you should finally tell your fans about the pregnancy...your tour will start soon and they really need to know, that you won't be able to perform.

I felt an unpleasant feeling coming up inside of me.

Taylor: Yeah you're right, I will tell them about it soon...

Kylie: Do you already know how you want to tell them, a video? Or a text? 

Taylor: I guess a video is better, it's more personal...

Kylie: That's true! Do you need any help? I could come over?

Taylor: Thank you, but I think I will better do this on my own. 

Kylie: Alright, but call me, if you need me, okay? 

Taylor: Yes, thanks Kylie. See you!

Kylie: Bye, Taylor!

I fondled my belly in a loving way. Although my belly was still small, it was now clearly visible, that I was pregnant. "Oh my little wonders, I hope my fans are as happy as I am, about you two.", I whispered softly. Then I get up from my sofa and moved to my desk. I opened one of the wooden drawers to pull out a tiny golden book. With the help of this book, I am planning all of my activities on social media, at least the important ones, which needed to be planned. I grabbed a pen and wrote the title "Pregnancy publication". I took a deep breath and waited for some words to come to my mind, but they didn't. I sighed and stored the book back into my drawer. Maybe a short walk would free my mind...

I decided to walk a bit inside of the forest. The wind was blowing through the leaves and some birds were singing some sweet melodies. I smelled the aroma of pines and moss. Everything was so peaceful. After walking for a couple minutes, I could even see a little deer with it's spotted fan. I was able to take a picture, before they had noticed me and ran away...

Now I was sitting at my desk again. The golden book right infront of me. I had decided that I wouldn't be able to make a video, a text had to be enough. I closed my eyes and begged for the words to appear...and they did.

"Hey guys,

I know it's been a while since you've heard from me. There are many things going on in my life right now. Most of them are private and I tried to keep them from public, as long as possible. However, it wouldn't be fair, to keep this secret from you any longer, because it will affect my life as a musician in many ways. It makes me really sad, but I have to tell you, that I have to cancel the "Lover Festival Tour". I'm sure that many of you will be angry and sad about it, so am I. I know that I have the best fans, you are always so supporting and loving...I really hope, you will understand my decision. But now, let me tell you the truth....

The reason why I am cancelling my tour is, that there is not only one heart pounding in my body...but three."

Normally I would send my text to Kylie before publishing it, but this time I had a good feeling with it. I prepared everything to share my post in the social medias. My hand was shaking as I pressed the buttons on my phone. A short message appeard on my screen:



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