Hidden feelings

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I could instantly smell the sweet scent of waffles as I opened my front door. I told you Josh is an Angel... My phone started buzzing as soon as I had my shoes of.

Mum <3:

Hey honey,

you won't forget to come over for lunch today? I'll cook your favorite pasta casserole. See you at 1 PM!

Love ya


Gosh I totally forgot it. Luckily my mum knows that I have way to many things in my head and therefore forget a lot. I felt a bad feeling coming up in my stomach. Maybe it was also because of the pregnancy, but the real reason was the meeting with my mum. I needed to tell her about my pregnancy. Today! My Mum knows everything about me, she and Abi are the two people who know nearly any of my secrets. But it's something different telling your mother about a new lover, or announcing a surprising pregnancy from a guy you broke up with a couple months ago (or from a guy you don't even know the name...which sounded even worse). How would she react? My stepdad was away for the weekend, which was at least one good thing. "Miss Swift, Syrup as always?", I heard Josh calling from the kitchen. I slurped over to the dining area. "Actually I would prefer Nutella today", I answered. I kind of surprised even myself with this choice. "Really?You're feeling alright today? I don't remember the day you preferred Nutella to syrup", he smiled and carefully put some Nutella on top of my waffle. "At least coffee can't be wrong", he said confidently and brought me a cup of the steaming brown liquor. "Actually I already had a cup that morning, so I would go with tea this time", I looked at him apologetic. "When did that ever bother you? Taylor seriously what's wrong with you?", he raised his eyebrows, "But no problem, tea is in the making", he continued. "You're the best", I blew him a kiss and watched him making tea for me. He looked handsome as always. Having his black hair casually, as he always did . His mother is Spaniard and so he has this latin touch, which let him look pretty hot. Sometimes I catched myself imagining how life would be, if we were in a relationship. I can't deny that there were some feelings I had deep inside of me, having nothing to do with friendship. And I was pretty sure Josh was feeling the same. But I would never risk our friendship, I needed him in my life. So I kept these feelings deep inside of me and I'm pretty good at hiding things...

Time flew by and as I checked my watch again it was time to leave. It took me 20 minutes to drive to my mums house it is a bit nearer to the Nashville city center than my own is. As I had entered the gates and parked my car, I was unable to leave it for a couple minutes. I can't describe how nervous I was. "Everything is going to be alright", I told myself...probably for the hundred time by now. I must have been in my car for quite a long time, because a few seconds later I saw my mother opening the front door. "Honey you want to come in, or are we eating in your car today?", she screamed to my parking space. I took a deep breath, there was no way to go back. "Coming", I screamed back at her while walking over to the house. That was when Kitty recognized my voice. You might think she's a cute cat, but no, Kitty is my mums full grown Great Dane. Probably the tallest dog I had ever seen. And this black and white mass of about probably 140 pounds was running now directly towards myself, while wagging her tale. "Oh my gosh Kitty", I could barely save myself from falling to the ground as Kitty jumped on me. "She's so happy to see ya", my mum smiled brightly. "And so am I", she pulled me into a hug as soon as the totally hyperactive dog was finally ready to let me go. I would always prefer cats over dogs, but they're pretty good at lifting somebodys spirit. And so I felt a lot better after Kitty had helped me to wash my face for the second time that day.

The table was already set and the food was ready, as we sat down at the beautiful big wooden table, my mother had ordered from Norway only a few weeks ago. The food tasted fantastic, as always, but I was not really able to enjoy it, all the time I thought about how I should tell my mum about the pregnancy. "Honey is there something wrong with you? You seem to be a bit worried and you're so silent and lost in thoughts today.", she asked me as she had finished eating. "No it's just...I need to tell you something", I whispered, while stirring in the last couple noodles on my plate. "So go ahead honey, you know you can tell me everything", she pressed my hand gently. I cleared my throat. I could feel my voice started shaking as I mumbled my next words: "...Mum, I'm pregnant."


Heyhey, I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter. Let me know about it in the comments and press the vote button. :)
How do you think Andrea will react? And there's another thing...would you like to have a cast, so you "know" the faces behind my characters? (Josh, Jackson, Ella...)

Have a great day! <3

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