Gender reveal!

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So here I am again, listening to evermore and finally continuing this story! Did you already listen to Taylor's new album? It was awesome because she released it on my birthday. :)

As the title reveals, today Taylor will find out about the gender of her babys. Any guesses? Write it into the comments. :D

But now let's get started....


Time past by real quick. Although the spontaneous reunion with Joe was already three weeks apart, I still couldn't stop thinking about him. Jackson was at leat "okay" with the fact of being a father-to-be. I did my best  and tried to behave friendly in his presence. I ignored his attempts of flirting with me, most of the time I even brought Abi to our meetings, which clearly annoyed him but I didn't care. Abi and my mother had convinced, that I should at least try to have a normal relationship with I still met him...for the babys good. My parents and Austin did freak out as I had told them about having twins. My mum wouldn't stop sending me pictures of cute stuff for babys.

But there was still one burden I carried along with me... What if Jackson was not the father? There was still only Abi knowing about it. I guess I had thought that I had missed the perfect moment for telling my parents and Jackson about it...but there probably never had been a perfect one...

Joe 's POV

I took a deep breath and threw a little stone into the pond. It sank while painting small circles into the waters surface. Exactly three weeks ago today I had met Taylor in the coffee shop. I still couldn't understand why she didn't write me a message...did I say something wrong? Did I behave weird? Or...which would be the worst case...did I give her the wrong number? After all it was her asking for my number...okay, it was Abi, but anyway. I didn't even know, why my feelings for her were that least we've only met twice. I couldn't explain it. There was only one thing I knew...I wanted..I needed to see her again.

Taylor's POV

Today would be a special day. I was already four months pregnant and at our last ultrasound my gynecologist was able to see the gender of my babys. Unfortunately Abi was with me and she came up with the idea of organizing a gender reveal party for me. Which was awesome and kind of her but I also hated her for not telling me the genders instantly...not to say that I am curious and impatient...but when it comes to the gender of my babies, I definitely am! Especially because it took Abi one whole week to plan it. One week!!

Anyway, today was the day! It was nine in the morning, the guests would come at around twelve. I took a quick shower and than I put on a beautiful light pink dress with some sequines. After that, I did my make-up. As I walked down the stairs i could already smell waffles and coffee. Josh. How do I deserve a man like him in my life? "Good morning Miss Swift", Josh welcomed me, as he heard  me coming down the stairs. "Good morning", I answered and touched his arm friendly. That was when he really looked at me. " look beautiful!", he said and examined me. "Oh thank you!", I answered and felt myself blushing.

I enjoyed my breakfast and soon Abi appeared and helped me making everything up for the party.

"Sooo...are you exited??" she asked playful.

"Is this a real question?", I asked and shot her a look of reproach.

"Of cause not", she giggled and grabbed my arm. "So what do you think? Boys or girls? And what are you whising for?", she looked at me curiously.

"Oh I don't know...I kind of have the feeling, that there are going to be two boys...but really, I don't have a clue!...and what I am whishing for...I always dreamed about having a little princess...but now I'm not that sure about it might be easier to raise a boy...I don't know... As long as my babys are healthy, I can't be happier. The gender is not important to me.", I answered Abis question.

"Oh, so you mean, you don't want to know it? I mean, no problem, we can still cancel the party....only a phone call...", she said slowly and pulled out her phone.

"Oh, don't you dare!", I screamed and tickled her.

That was when the doorbell rang. "Finally!", I shouted and ran to the door.

A few minutes later all of us were standing in my garden. Suddenly Abi appeared with two huge light grey balloons.

"So, may I have your attention please!", Abi smiled brightly and glanced at my guests. "I guess we should start the party now, I have the feeling, that Taylor will try to kill me, if I keep the secret from her any longer.", she said with a worried voice while grinning at me.

"That's for sure!", I answered playful.

Everybody started laughing.

"Alright, so Taylor, Jackson here are some needles for you. And now let's start with the first balloon. All of us will count from three to one...and than the two of you will break the balloon, alright?", I nodded. My heartbeat started raising as my friends and family started counting..."THREE...TWO...ONE!!"

The balloon exploded with a loud pop and small, light blue balloons started to fly away. "It's a boy!", I screamed and gave Abi a hug. Tears started to fill my eyes. A boy, I will be mother of a little prince. Abi watched me affected. "So I guess we are all exited to find out about the gender of the second baby?", she said in a soft voice and pointed at balloon number two.

I swallowed and nodded. "You're ready?", I asked Jackson.

Jackson smiled and whispered:  "I am ready!"


The second balloon cracked. I could't hold my tears back any longer, when I saw soft pink balloons escaping into the sky. "And a girl!! I'll be mother of a boy and a girl!", I can't believe it. Abi pulled me into a deep hug, followed by my mother, my father and Jackson.

Abi looked at me and whispered "Guess that's what you had whished for."

"Guess you're right", I mumbled and looked dreamy into the sky, where I could still see some tiny blue and pink dots, getting smaller and smaller.


Meanwhile Joe was ready to go to bed, but as he drew the curtains, he noticed a small light pink balloon, which got caught in his cherry tree, flapping softly with the wind... staying anyway.  


 Thanky for reading!

I hope you like this chapter! Don't forget to vote or write a comment, if you want to!

Is here anyone reading my story regularly? :)

Have a great time!

Love, Anja

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