The fault

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As I had reached the kitchen area I instantly saw the New York Times. I shivered as I spotted my name on the cover. Next to the newspaper Josh had placed some pancakes with syrup and raspberries on top of it, aside the plate a steaming chai tea latte was waiting for me. How do I deserve this man? "Josh", I called out. No answer. Currently I noticed a little note next to my tea cup. Saying:

Good morning, excuse me but I had to rush to the hospital, my sister is having her baby!! Call me if you need anything. Have an awesome day!


Wow, Savanna would have her baby today, it feels like yesterday that he had told me about her pregancy. Now a bit more worried I looked at the newspaper. I had hoped that Josh would be sitting next to me while reading it. He would have cheered me up afterwards. But now I had to do it on my own. 

"Okay come on, just read it, it can't be that worse...", I mumbled and turned the sheets to find my article. And there it was, in the middle of the page was a picture of mine from the lover tour. But when I looked at all the other pictures surrounding mine, words failed me. There where pictures of all the guys I've ever had a relationship with, they hadn't left anyone out...there where even picture of men with whom I've never even had something like a serious relationship with. I rolled my eyes. Can't those people mind their own business? But as I had a look at the article it got even worse:

Taylor Swift-America's Sweetheart is expecting!

Yes, the rumors you've heard are true. Singer and songwriter Taylor Swift is pregnant WITH TWINS. But who is the father? You might think that this is a simple question, but no. All we know is, that Swift has been together with Jackson M. for quite a long time. But are they still together? 

Anyway she can't hide the name of her babies father forever and as soon as we know, you will know it! We really hope that at least Swift knows who the father is...

As I has read the last sentence, I was shaking. Shaking of anger and frustration. The worst thing was, that even if it was meant to be a joke, it was true. It was just true. But those people don't have the right to talk about me in such a deprecative way. The newspapers are spreading lies and opinions and the people who are reading it are soaking these in, like a sponge it's water...

"Argh, I hate people", I screamed and started to rip the newspaper into hundreds of little pieces. I didn't stop until the whole floor was covered with small white pieces of paper. After that I sat down slowly on the floor and looked at the mess. I couldn't hold back the tears any longer. With a loud sob I bursted out into tears.

I don't know how long I was sitting there, but suddenly I felt a warm hand on my shoulder. As I turned around I was looking into Josh's  familiar face. I wiped away some tears.

"Josh, why are you here? I thought you're at the hospital? How is Savanna doing?", I asked puzzled. Josh carefully  put a wisp of my hair behind my ear.

"Savanna is fine, and so is her little daughter", he answered joyful. He looked at me with a big smile on his face.

"No way!", I screamed. "Congratulation you're an uncle now!", I said and pushed him softly with my ellbow.

"Yes I am, I can't believe it, she is so tiny and sweet and...just awesome", he mumbled dreamy. "What's her name?", I asked curiously. The stupid article wasn't in my mind any longer.

"Her name is Kayla Marleen, he answered, still smiling.

"That name is beautiful!", I said softly. Josh nodded. We just sat there for a moment, looking out of the window, watching a little bird trinking water out of my pond.

"But Josh, why are you here? You should be in the hospital. You know that I don't have a problem with you taking a day off?", I asked.

"You know it's just fine. Savanna and Kayla are doing great and they want to have some family time, for bonding and know...", he explained slowly.

I knew he was lying. "Josh, please tell me the truth!"

He looked at his nails. It was clearly visible, that he was feeling uncomfortable about this conversation. "So, as I was waiting for Savanna to have the baby, I started to read the New York Times...and I just read this articel about you...and then I remembered that I had just placed the journal on the table for you...I really had not wanted you to read the I came back, hoping I could throw the paper away before you had the chance to read it." He looked around slowly. "But I guess I'm to late", he whispered and looked at me pitying and kind of guilty.

I couldn't help myself but smile. "That's just so cute Josh", I mumbled and smiled softly. But soon I remembered the article and my smile turned back into crying. Josh softly embraced me and stroked my head lovingly.

"They are just so mean Josh...They hate me...and their readers will hate me too. Do you remember the wave of hate I had to deal with a couple years ago? I just can't handle this again. I can't Josh", I said sobbing.

Josh placed his hands on my face, looked me directly into the eyes and said: "Taylor. You are probably the strongest, bravest and most successful woman I know. You should really give a shit about those people. They know nothing about you. You are funny, kind, sweet and beautiful and  don't believe anyone who tries to tell you something different. You are...just perfect."

I completly lost myself in his dark brown eyes. Our faces were so close, I could even feel his warm breath on my skin.

Suddenly his soft lips touched mine. The kiss felt like a plaster on my worried heart. Deep inside of me, I knew that this was wrong, but my desire for Josh detained me from stopping.


Hii, first of all thank you for reading!

I'm really sorry for not updating the story for such a long time, at least this chapter is a bit longer than usual.

Anyway...I'm back and I really hope that there are still some people reading my story? :)

What do you think about the kiss?

See you soon!

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