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As we've reached the pool I could see Chris body which had nearly touched the ground. Without thinking about it any further I jumped into the cold water and dived to the bottom of the pool. As I've finally reached him I grabbed his little arm and pulled him to the water surface.

"Here Abi, help me", I screamed and handed her the tiny boy. Chris was breathing heavily. I quickly climbed out of the water and started to press his little body in my arms. I was shivering  due to the wet clothes sticking to my body. Tears were rolling down my cheeks.

"Chris, hey little buddy I'm so sorry, are you alright?.", I whispered with my voice trembling. He started coughing. I carfully patted his back. He started to settle down a bit. 

"Call the doctor Abi.", I sniffed.

We brought Chris back to the house and changed his clothes. Soon the doctor arrived. After checking him carefully he fortunately told us that Chris was okay. There was no more water in his lungs and he just advised us to keep him warm and confortable to raise his body temperature, which had dropped because of the cold water.

I was still sitting in my wet clothes wearing a bathrobe above them, crying. After giving him his milk, Chris had fallen asleep on my sofa wrapped in three or more blankets and two hot-water bags around him. He was breathing quietly.

"Abi...how..how could this happen? I'm gonna be a horrible mum. I'm not even able to watch a baby for a couple hours.", I whispered, my voice was still trembling.

"Honey bad things happen and Chris is alright, everything is fine now. Everybody makes mistakes." She gently stroked my hair.

"Mistakes?? Abi he could have DIED", I screamed desperately, but quickly lowered my voice as I remembered Chris sleeping. 

"What should I tell Ella?"..."Yes the evening was great, but your son nearly drowned?! She is definetely going to hate me."

I swallowed loudly. Abi waited a few seconds than answered hesitantly.

"Maybe she doesn't need to know it."

"But I can't hide it from her...if I don't tell her about it, she hears it from Chris.", I whispered worried.

"She could, but maybe he also just forgot about it. What if I open the door when Ella picks up Chris and Rudy tomorrow? I will tell her that you are taking a shower...and if Chris should tell her anything when they are back home, you can say that you wanted to talk with her about it in person?", Abi planned while talking more to herself than to me.

"Sounds complicated...", I whispered.

Abi wiped away my tears.

"Listen Taylor, you can't change the past, you can only learn from it. It doesn't make any sense to worry about it anymore, okay? Everything is alright now. And by the way Chris seems quite happy to me.", she pointed to the sleeping baby.

And really, Chris was snoring gently with a bright smile on his face. Instantly I felt better. We carefully carried Chris to his baby bed, he didn't woke up. After checking the rooms, probably for the hundredth time, for any possible dangers we went sleeping.

Even though I felt better then, it still took me hours to fall asleep. The horrible scenes of Chris falling into the pool were capturing my mind as soon as I closed my eyes.

The next morning

Small shafts of sunlight were seeping through my bedroom as I opened my eyes. Abi was lying next to me, her eyes still closed. But then I realized there was another little guest who had found his way to my bedroom. Chris was sleeping between Abi and me, he was nearly completely covered by my white blanket. Suddenly I also felt something furry touching my foot, and no, it was not one of my cats. The little dog had also made it to my room. I smiled. That was when Chris woke up. He looked me in the eyes and grinned, then he crawled even closer to me and clasped his arms thightly around me. Now he was so close that I could even feel his little heartbeat on my body. I felt happiness in a way I've never did before, and while I was gently stroking his back, both of us fell asleep again.


Hii thanks for reading! ♡
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In the next chapter Taylor is going to tell Jackson about the pregnancy...hope you are exited.  :)

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