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Later that day Ella had picked up Chris and Rudy. As soon as the doorbell rang I had jumped under the shower, so I didn't had to talk to her. Abi told me that Chris hadn't mentioned the word "pool" in any phrase. But still I spend the rest of the day waiting for an angry message from Ella. I was sure that our little secret would came up someday...

To abstract myself from the guilt feelings I had for Ella, I decided it was finally the time to tell Jackson about the pregnany. So I wrote him a message.

Taylor (4.30pm) : Hi Jackson, we really need to talk. Are you free tomorrow night?

Jackson (4.32pm) : Hi Baby, sure there is always time for you...let's meet in the Bingham at 8 pm?⚘ I still can't forget our last date.🔥

(I wanted to commit as I had read his message. Why did he still call me "baby"??)

(The Bingham used to be our favourite restaurant)

Taylor (4.40 pm): Jackson stop calling me baby! 😡
But 8 sounds good. See you tomorrow.

Jackson (4.41 pm): Alright see you tomorrow baby!😘

Jackson (4.42 pm): Oh ehm, I mean "Taylor". 😉❤

(what a jerk..)

The next day

As I stepped into the restaurant I instantly saw him. Well dressed in a black smoking, his dark hair carefully primped, him sipping some red wine. Suddenly I realized the bunch of roses on the table. Why did he bring flowers? This was not a date. Maybe he thought I had changed my opinion and wanted to go back to him...I guess his mother really hold her promise. What a surprise.

"Hi Jackson", I greeted him. Jackson immediately jumped up from his chair. He leant in to kiss me but I just turned to the side and sat down. He still wasn't awed. He grabbed the flowers and handed them to me. "Those are for the prettiest lady in the restaurant", he looked at me with his brightest smile. Not to mention that there actually was only one woman in the whole restaurant, an elderly lady with white hair. I placed the flowers back on the table and started to play with my curls.

"Jackson, you know that this is not a date, right?", I asked slowly.

"Maybe not yet, but at the end of our "meeting" you will say something different.", he winked at me, than grabbed the bottle of wine and started to fill my glass.

"Stop, no wine for me Jackson", I shouted.

He looked at me in wonder. "You're sure? It's pretty good, at least take a few sips", he said insistenly and continued filling my glass.

He clearly wanted to intoxicate me.

"Just stop", I said, more angrily this time while pulling my glass apart. Some of the red wine touched the white tablecloth, looking like a blood stain.

"What's wrong with you?", Jackson grumbled irritated.

I took a deep breath. I didn't want to tell him about the pregnancy, but it would be either me or his mother.

"Gosh, I didn't want to drink that wine cause I'm pregnant Jackson!"

His eyes started to widen. He took a mouthful of wine, then cleared his throat.

"That was the reason you wanted to meet again?", he asked slowly.

"We have a winner", I nodded, still annoyed by his behaviour.

"Oh fuck", he whispered and took another sip. Than there was silence for a couple minutes.

"Oh fuck?" "That's all you have to say?", I asked him in disbelief.

"Taylor, I'm just trying to figure everything out", he grumbled. I sighed.

"Guess we should drift the baby off", he mumled after a while. "I just can't handle a baby at the moment."

My jaw dropped. I could't believe it. "You can't handle a baby at the moment?", I aped him. "An abortion doesn't even enter the equation.", I was screaming now.

"You can't decide that on your own", Jackson answered also starting to sound angry this time.

"Oh yes, I can! And I will! I will decide what's best for my's my body and you don't have the right to tell me what I should or shouldn't do with it.", I was beside myself with rage. 

Jackson started to blush. "Taylor please calm down and lower your voice, people are looking at us", he whispered insistently.

"So what, I don't care?", I answered, I wasn't even trying to calm down. Suddenly he realized my words.

"You said babyS?", he asked slowly.

"Yep there are two", I answered sharply.

"For gods sake, I need more wine", Jackson grumbled and smited his forehead.

"Taylor we really should think about an abortion, please tell me you will at least consider it", he looked at me desperately.  I just shook my head.

How could this conversion turned out to be that horrible. It would be worse to have Jackson as my babys father but it would be even worser to have Jackson as a father who didn't even want to be one. I felt my tears coming up. Without thinking any further I grabbed his glass of wine and dumped the wine in his face.

"Guess that's enough wine for you", I fizzed. Without saying another word I stood up and started to run outside of the restaurant.

"Taylor.", "Taylor please wait!", "You can't leave now", I heard Jackson scream after me.

But I only started to run faster...

Hii thank you for reading!❤
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