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After the signal "published" had appeared, I turned off my phone instantly. "Stay calm, everything's going to be alright", I told myself while walking to my music room. I felt some positve vibes coming up, as I walked into the light-flooded chamber. I smelled the wooden guitars and the light white orchids on my windowsill. I grabbed one of my guitars and randomly started to play some chords. Suddenly a thought came to my mind. I wanted to write about a love triangle. Why not? I've never did this before, and unfortunately my own life refers to one right now. Full of enthusiasm I started to imagine new lyrics and recorded them part by part on my other cellphone. With the time I started to be cold a bit. I looked around to find a pullover or a jacket. As I nearly abandoned my hope of finding something I spotted a white, woolen garment under my grey sofa. Delighted I walked over to the couch, retrieved it and pulled it on quickly. It was my old cardigan...

Meanwhile it was evening. When there are some ideas in my head I can barely stop myself from putting them into practise. Normally I would have worked through the whole night, but my babies needed some rest, and so did I. At least my music could distract me from freaking out about revealing my pregnancy to the public. After putting my pajamas on I gazed at my cellphone, which was laying on my nightstand. "No, you will wait!", I mumbled to myself. Earlier I had decided that I would wait till tomorrow morning with turning my phone back on, by then I should be able to state clearly, if the peoples reactions about my pregancy are mostly positive or negative. I turned of the lights and snuggled into my fluffy blanket, but I could't fall asleep until my cat Meredith crawled under my blanket and found her spot right next to my belly. Her permanent purring helped me to fall into a deep sleep.

As my alarm rang I started to run on adrenalin immediately. I couldn't wait any longer. With shaking hands I grabbed my cellphone and turned it on. My phone wouldn't stop buzzing for probably ten minutes. I was speechless. The amount of notification I've got, outnumered everything I've ever experienced. First, I opened instgram, I couldn't believe it. Over 10.000.000 people had liked my post. Normally my pictures would get around 3.000.000 likes, but there has never been one hitting the 10.000.000. But I was even more exited to find out, what the people were thinking or saying about my pregnancy, so I openend up Twitter. That was where the next surprise was waiting for me:
#pregnanttaylor had developed to be worldwide number ones most used hashtag. I searched for tweets containing this hasthags, and as I started reading them I felt my tears coming up...

"Wait what, Taylor's pregnant, and even with twins?? I can't wait to see her little Mini-Me's." #pregnanttaylor

"I can't believe it, the Queen of music is going to be a mommy. I'm so exited!!!!She will be the best mum ever, her kids are so lucky! *-*" #preganttaylor

"Taylor Swift is pregant?? Did anyone see this coming? Her babys are definitely going to be the cutest!🥰" #preganttaylor

"Congratulations to your pregnancy, Taylor!! I'm really sad, that you won't be able to perform on your tour...but right now your babys are more important than anything else. And don't worry, all your true fans will love your babys just as much as they love you!  Am I right Swifties?? 😉😊" #preganttaylor

Relieved I fondled my little baby bumb. "See, you're mommy has the best fans in the world.", I whispered softly.

But then a message from my mother arrested my attention.

"Good morning Taylor honey, did you already see, what  article The New York Times published today? If not, please don't read it! It will only make you sad, sometimes those journalist don't know what they're saying...😤"

There even was a message from my brother Austin.

"Hey Taylor, don't read the New York Times today...these guys are talking in a rude way about you. Just ignore them okay?!"

I had to swallow. What in the world did they write about me, that my mother AND my brother wanted to warn me. With shaking legs I walked down the stairs. Down to the kitchen, where the New York Times would be waiting for me.


Thanks for reading! Hope you're exited to find out how the story continues...

Have a great day! :)

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