Diary Entry 1'

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April, 4th, 2020

Dear Diary,

today was horrible! I've met Jackson in a restaurant and told him about the pregnancy!

First he didn't say a single thing but than he actually wanted me to consider abortion.

An abortion!!

I can't believe it...I'm feeling so sad and angry at the same time. What if he is really my babies father, will he be able to love my children?

What if he doesn't want to have any contact with them? What if I have to tell them, that their daddy doesn't like them. My kids deserve someone better than him...

Why is everything so complicated? Why can't I have a normal life and a family like so many other people have? Is it my fault? I only want a happy relationship...is it too much to wish for? I'm crying right now...

I still can't stop thinking about this cute guy who could also be the father. There is this weird spark of hope inside of me to have him as my babies father. Then again, there is this voice in my head, saying that I will probably never see him again.

Tomorrow I will meet Abby, hopefully she can cheer me up again. She still doesn't know that I'm having twins. I'm really exited to see her reaction...but after all the things she found out about me, this will probably not surprise her that much... :)

Damn, life is really weird right now. Hopefully everything will be alright in a few months, when the babys are born. I just want them to have a peaceful and happy life...

At least my crazy life gives me a lot of inspiration for some new songs...probably the only positive thing at the moment.




Hii guys,

sorry that I didn't publish a new chapter last week,

and for updating only such a short chapter today...I was quite busy.

But next week I will probably have a lot of time to write...

So I'll try to start updating weekly again. I there somone who is reading the story regularly? :)

Love you all!

Anja :)

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