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Author's note:

Hey you all, before you start reading...do you have an idea why I picked the name "Patricia" for this woman? Probably not...but if you have an idea...write a comment. :D

...but now, let's get started...

(If you want to find out why I picked this name google Joe Alwyn)


As we had stepped outside of Joe's and Patricia's view, Abi hectically grabbed my arm.

Abi: "Oh my gosh Taylor, I can't believe it, we actually met him...and yes, you were right. He really is gorgerous. Damn, if he is the father...you will be mother of two models."

But I just ignored her and kept walking, kicking a small grey stone again and again. Until Abby stepped infront of me.

Abi: "Excuse me. Why aren't you exited? We've just met "possible daddy number two"!! Aaand you've got his number....aaand don't try to tell me you don't like him anymore...I saw your sights."

She waited a moment.

Abi: "You DO still like him? Don't you?"

She looked at me interrogative. I stopped and turned into her direction.

Taylor: Yes Abby! Yes...Of course I like him. I can't even find the words to tell you how magnetic he is for me. But that doesn't change the fact, that he has a girlfriend.", I answered.

My voice trembled, I felt tears coming up. Abi pulled me in for a hug.

Abi: "Shshsh, don't start crying...maybe she is not his girlfriend...maybe she is just a friend", she tried to cheer me up but she couldn't convince me.

Taylor: "A friend? Come on Abi. You saw how she acted around him...How she touched him...How she called him by his nickname. They seemed so close and familiar. There is no chance she is not his girlfriend."

Abi: "Stop Taylor! Yeah, maybe she is his girlfriend, but maybe not. You won't find out, if you don't ask him. SOO let's go, write him a message and make a date with him.", she looked directly at me.

Taylor: "I shook my head and walked on quickly. No. No Abi. I just don't want to...I just can't. I can't ruin his relationship. If there is one...and I'm sure there is...I would ruin it. I can't do this to Joe and Patricia."

Abi: "But maybe it's not a serious relationship...

I interrupted her.

Taylor: "Their relationship will be over. Over Abi! No later than they find out about my pregnancy...and if he is the father...

Abi: "You're so stubborn Taylor", Abi screamed and hurried to catch up with me.

Abi: "Don't you think, he would want to know, that he will be a father? Or at least, that he could be one??"

Taylor: "He won't want to have babys, with a complete stranger...babys who destroyed his relationship", I answered brethlessly.

Abi: "But..."

Taylor: "Abi stopp! There is no way, I will change my oppinion about that. I'm not going to ruin his life! It's time to forget Joe...

Joes POV:

Joe: "When will you stop grinning Patt?", I asked her while I started the engine of my jeep.

Patricia: "At least not today", she answered and sticked her tongue out at me.

I rolled my eyes.

Patricia: "I can't believe it Joe!! You've lost your heart to Taylor Swift...She is cute, I don't blame you...but, tell me...when did the two of you meet? And what happened back then? You didn't say a word?!", she asked impatiently and kept grinning at me.

Joe: "Patt, I don't know what you saw...I'm NOT in love with her.", I answered annoyed. (even though my words didn't even convince myself)

Patricia: "Oh come on Joe. You are my brother. You can't hide anything from me!"

She started to touch my cheeck humorous. I groaned. But I couldn't counter anything. I knew she was right. Patricia started to smile confidently. Then she continued questioning me.

Patricia: "So you didn't answer my question. When did you meet her? And what happened back then?"

I felt my face blushing.

Joe: "I won't answer that Patt. We've met once, okay? That's all."

Patricia: "Oh your red face reveals everything, buddy", she giggled.

Joe: "Anyway. Even IF I would like her. I'm sure she doesn't feel this way about me...", I grumbled.

Patrica: "Oh don't worry Joe. She adores you, I could tell from her eyes. I mean, even the vendor could tell, that you two fell for each other!", she said certainly.

I just shook my head.

Patricia: "Do you have her number?"

Joe: "Nope, but she has mine."

Patrica: "Okay...That's good! I can't believe it, my big brother is finally about to have a girlfriend. And no other than the famous and amazing TAYLOR SWIFT."

Joe: "First of all, she has to contact me.", I tried to slow her down but I couldn't hide my exitement.

Patrica: "Oh she definitely will! I'm sure about that. She probably already wrote you a message!"


She had not. I spent the whole day starring at my mobile phone, waiting for a message from Taylor to come in. As soon as my phone made any sound, my heartbeat started to raise immediately. But none of the messages I got were from her. Not on this day, and not on the next,...

The week past by, day by day...

And with each day, my hope for ever seeing her again shrank a little more. But there were those feelings in my heart, helping me from loosing hope. Helping me to keep this little spark of hope alive.


Hey you!

Thank you so much for reading. I really hope you like this chapter.

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....so I want to tell you, why I picked "Patricia". Joe Alwyn has a brother called "Patrick"...so if you already knew about that...you could have know, that she might be his sister. There is probably no one who knows about him...but anyway. :D

Taylor soon will find out if she is having two baby girls / or boys...or maybe one of each...

What do you think she will have? Write your guess into the comments! :) 



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