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Later on I started the engine of my car to pick up Chris and Rudy. Ella was already standing in the door as I pulled into the parking load. "Hey Lilly, my boss just called, he wants me to come earlier today so I'm really in a hurry". As I reached the entry of her house, she pulled me into a quick hug. I wanted to explain to her that my actual name wasn't Lilly but I was not able to get a word in edgeways. Lilly started to carry two huge and heavy bags to my car. "Most of the stuff in here is for Chris...there are diapers, a few toys, his pyjama, some clothes, his toothbrush, brust milk substitute...just everything you might need. And not to forget Rudy's food and a his little dog bed." She gasped for air. "Alright-Chris, Rudy come on, Lilly is here", she shouted into the hallway of her house. Nothing happened. She twisted her eyes while speeding into the house. A few seconds later she came back, holding Chris with one of her arms, Rudy with the other one. She set Rudy down and handed me his leash. After that she put the baby seat into my car and buckled up Chris. She had a short rest, then carried Rudy into his cage. "So just to warn you...of course Rudy is nearly housebroken and he's doing great...but..yeah mistakes can happen...", she grinned at me. "It's fine", I reassured her. Suddenly something came to my mind. "Oh ehm what about cats? I have three of them", I asked her hesitantly. "Cats are no problem, his raiser had a couple cats". I nodded relieved. Ella walked back to my car, gave Chris a quick kiss and then closed the door. "So again Lilly, thank you so so sooo much, really!" She pressed my arm quickly. "But now I really need to go. Call me if there is any problem.", while saying that she run to her own car and drove of. Wow that happened quickly. I took a deep breath and glanced inside the car. Rudy was lying peacefully in his cage while Chris was playing with his shoes. Now there were only the three of us. "It can't be too difficult to look after a baby boy and a puppy", I mumbled to bolster myself up. Later that day I would know that I had been wrong.

Back home I carried the bags into the house and then I took the boys in. Rudy instantly started to discover the house, sniffing around...he was probably looking for my cats. Chris was acting kind of shy, stepping from one foot to the other.  "Hey you're alright buddy?", I asked him gently. No answer. I took a deep breath, then I had an idea. "Alright, come on, I want to show you something", I picked him up and we walked over to the living room. A cute brown teddy bear was sitting on my sofa. "Look that's your new friend", I set him down and pushed him towards the bear. Actually I had bought them for my own babys...but I would buy them a new one. Chris' mouth started to turn into a bright grin. "Thank you Lilly", he babbled and pulled the teddy bear into a tight hug. I started smiling. I spend the next hour playing outside with Chris and Rudy...to be honest most of the time I played with Rudy, Chris was busy talking and playing with his new friend "Locky".

Then the doorbell rang: Abby. Rudy run to the door and started barking. "We don't do that", I instructed him, but he was to exited to hear me. As I opened the door Rudy jumped on Abby and tried to lick her face as she bend down to him. "Wow what a greeting", Abby mumbled breathlessly. "Who is this Taylor?", Abby asked in surprise. That was when Chris came around the corner. "And who's kid is that?", she continued, sounding even more surprised now. I picked up Chris. "Here we have Chris.", I started to softly tickle his belly. "Lillyy stop tat", he babbled. And that's Rudy, I pointed to the dog who had just started to catch his own tail. Abby was still looking kind of puzzled. "Okay. But still where and who is their mommy...and why is he calling you Lilly?", she raised an eyebrow at me. "So I've met his mum while taking a walk in the forest...and yeah I'm babysitting both of them tonight, cause she is at work." "Aaaalright", Abby nodded slowly, still looking completely confused. "Hungy", Chris interrupted our conversion. "Oh of course honey", I tousled his brown hair. "You know what Abby, nevermind I will explain everything to you later. This little guy needs his milk now." Abby shrugged her shoulders, "Ehm alright Taylor...by the way, nice to see you", she pulled me into a hug. "Oh, I'm so glad you are here, I'm sorry if I overcame you with Chris and Rudy", I replied guiltily. "Oh, no problem, I'm getting used to your surprises", she winked at me. I smiled. "Chrisy would you do me a favor and play with Rudy and Locky for a few minutes while Abby and me will make dinner?", the little boy nodded and started to run into the living room, Rudy following him. "They're actually pretty cute", Abby said after they had left our sight field. "Yeah", I smiled brightly. Then both of us walked over to the kitchen area and started to prepare Chris' milk and some pasta for us. Luckily Ella had left me a note of how to get Chris' bottle ready...         

At once a terrible thought came to my mind. "Wait, did we forget to close the terrace door?", I screamed in panic. "Chris, Rudy", I shouted, no response. Abby and I started to run to the living room, seeing...the door standing wide open. "Fuck, the pool", I shouted. We were running into the garden, heading for the pool which was placed a few hundreth meters apart from the house. Then we saw him. In a distance a small figure was walking shaky but fast towards...the pool. Everything happened too quickly. We started to run faster. The littly boy now nearly had reached the pool. "Noo", I screamed in shock as his little body fell into the deep, cold water...


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