Chapter 31

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Rose's POV

Soon days went by. I learned everything that I could. Dax was very cooperative. He used to clear all my doubts, papa would constantly keep a check on me. 

Days turned into weeks and weeks into months. Two months past joining the company. Papa promoted me to the Board Of Directors last week. Now my signature was compulsory for closing any deal. I enjoyed working. I sometimes work extra hours.

Someone posted an article on me last week, and from that day onwards I became quite famous. Paparazzi often took my pictures outside the building and also followed us till home. It was not new for me. 


" You're all ready for it. Sign it. " Papa encourages me with holding my hand.

For the first time my hand was shaking and resisting to sign. I hold the pen tight and sign at the papers of power of attorney. From now onwards the company and all its responsibility is mine.

" Congratulations, Rose. " Dax said, shaking hands.

" Thanks. " I replied.

" Congratulations, Rose. " Claire, Vincent, Mark, Gage and a few others wished me. 

" Thanks. " I replied and shook hands with everyone one after another.

" I'm so proud of you, Rose. I know you can handle Agro Land very well and will make good out of it. " Papa said, hugging me.

" I'll not let you down. " I replied.

Dax took a group picture, everyone smiled and exchanged handshakes.

" Party time! " Someone shouted.

" Sure. Dax arranged a business party as soon as possible. I can't wait any longer to introduce her to the business world. " Papa said joyfully.

" Sure, sir. " Dax smiles and nodded.

I'm very happy for myself and papa. I was the youngest in the business world handling such a massive company, worth billions! 

Everyone cheers, laughs and shares their funny stories regarding the company. This is just not a company, it was like a family. All of us work together with respect and great mutual understanding.

" There's a call for you, Rose. " Dax handed me the phone. 

" Thanks. " I said.

I took the phone and went outside to the corridor.

" Yes, Rose here. " I said.

" Hey, Rose. Nixon here. Congratulations on your promotion. " He said on the line.

" Thanks, Nick. I'm so happy now. " I replied.

" You must be. It's your moment now. So, see you at the party? " He suggested.

" The party is on. See you soon. " I replied.

" Take care. Bye. " He cuts the call.

I went back into the room.

" Everything's okay? " Papa asked.

" Yah. All good. Nixon called for wishing good luck. " I informed him.

" He likes you. " He said, grinding.

" Papa, we are good friends and besides I'm too young for relationship things. I want to focus mainly on business now. " I made my point.

" No hurry. Take your time. " He replied.

I smile and join the chatter. The day went replying thanks and exchanging handshakes. My arm started to hurt due to a lot of shakes. The paparazzi was waiting for me outside. Papa announced my acquisition of Agro Land proudfully in front of the whole media.

Flashing lights of the camera make me blind. I pose for some snapshots. Reportes were asking questions in bunk. Papa informed them about the party and walked off.

The car ride to the home was silent as usual. Even Dax didn't say a word! The car stops at the gate, as usual Dax opens the door for me.

We walked into the home and settled into the dinning table. It was already nine. Margret served dinner. 

" Rose! " Papa cried.

" Yes. " I replied.

" Where were you? I asked you something! " He said.

" I'm sorry. I was busy thinking about something else. What did you ask? " I asked back.

" Nothing much, just how are you feeling? You were quiet throughout the ride, so I was worried. What you were thinking about? " He was worried.

" I'm fine. I was thinking about the paparazzi. What would I answer them if they asked about my past or my educational history? " I asked.

" I thought about it too. We had nothing to share about your past. But I have a solution. " He replied.

" What's that? " I asked.

" Just ignore unwanted and gibberish questions. We all do the same. It's not necessary to answer all of them. " He said.

" But papa, I have to be resourceful. I need to present something. " I replied.

" See, your American accent has not gone yet. Everyone knew about it too. You can use it for well, that's a plus point. And to do about your educational history and other qualifications, you can say that you studied from online courses. It's that simple! " He said waving his hand in the air.

" It'll work? " I still had a doubt.

" For sure. " He replied.

" I hope it does. " I said.

" Don't think much about it. Take rest now. " He said kissing on my head.

" Good night, papa. " I said.

" Night, princess. " He replied and left for his room.

I think papa is right. I should not make things complicated. I must rest for now. Come on, Rose. Everything's gonna go well. You can do it. I cleaned myself and went upstairs. I changed to jammies and went to sleep. I fell asleep instantly as I turned off the lamp.       

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