Chapter 19

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Adam's POV

Within a few minutes our next lecturer enters the class. He was smiling. He might be in his early forties. He had worn pants with a shirt. He was a good looking man.

" Good afternoon, sir. " We greet.

" Noon, settle down. He said.

" Thank you, sir. " We replied.

" As you all know, my name Mr. Lewis and I'm gonna teach you Strategic Management. So, lets begin. " He introduced himself and started the class.

He was very good. He made tough topics very easy to understand. Soon the bell rangs. I picked up my books and went towards the hallway, to the locker.

V was already there, waiting for me. We both smiled at each other and headed towards the library downstairs. She walked around with an open mouth. She was amazed to see such a big library. It was really huge. It includes all genres of book, you name it. 

" I can spend my whole life here. It's very comfortable here. See, the tables, the setting, the breeze. Everything is perfect. " She said, studying its decorations.

" Yah. There's a lot more to come. " I said.

" Now where? " She asked.

" The gym? It's on the opposite wing. " I suggested.

" Let's go then. " She said excitedly.

We went to the gym, then to the playground at the back of the university, then the auditorium and then at last the swimming area. We walked out of the university when we were done inside.

" This place is heaven on earth. " She said.

" Yah, that's why it's so prestigious. " I replied.

" Thanks for today. " She said.

" Anytime. I can drop you if you want so? " I asked as a gentleman.

" No, thanks. My car is waiting already. " She said pointing at the Mercedes-Benz Silver Lightning.

" What the fuck! Is that your car? " I was in great shock.

" Language brother. Yep. That's my car. See you tomorrow. " She said waving her hand and walking towards the car.

The driver opened the door for her and she sat inside. I was looking with wide eyes. She owns the most expensive sports car. She must be rich, but she never acted like one. What the fu-. She is a richie rich girl. I walk to the parking lot and drive home.


She is a really talented girl. She just needs help. I'll be there always for her. I exhale, enjoying the view at the balcony. I went to bed and laid down on the bed. This is going to be amazing. She is going to rule the world.


Violet's POV

It was a long day. I am exhausted. I fell asleep as soon as I lay down on the bed. Nina woke me up in the evening. I studied for some time and went for dinner. It was really painful to have lunch all alone in this big mansion. I watched some shows and went to bed early. Because, I need to wake up early tomorrow for the meeting with Mr. Brown. 

I woke up early as I planned. Mr. Brown was ready and waiting for me downstairs with some papers.

" Good morning, Ms. Martin. " He greets.

" Morning. " I replied.

" The papers are ready, please sign here to close the deal. " He slides the file on the table.

" How much did we get for it? " I asked to read the papers.

" Fifty million dollars. Michael and his team had already settled everything with the dealer. " He informed me.

" Hmm. That's good. You can leave now. " I said, handing him the signed papers.

" Thank you, Ms. Martins. Have a nice day. " He left.

" I am having one already. " I said to myself.

I got changed and hurried to the university.


Adam met me at the locker. He was smiling as always. Our day went fast. I met other students. I never remember their names because I am very bad at remembering names and places. 

Days went by. Soon the news spread of a teen in Harvard university. Some reporters took my interview. I got famous as hell. Our circle increases day by day and the bonds get stronger.

Maria is still jealous of me. Sometimes, she would mess with me, but I always have my warrior friends behind my back to save me. Our group sized around ten. We hang out on weekends. We used to post our pics on instagram and other social media sites. I was having a great fan following. 

Sometimes, I get irritated by them. They always follow me, wherever I go. Friends help me hide from them and enjoy freedom. They are more like my family.


Four years later...

Years passed so quickly. Adam and Olivia got engaged finally after splitting two times. They are made for each other. They were so cute, adorable and romantic together.

I always top the exams. I was the highest scorer of the university ever with ninety seven percent. We are assembled here at the auditorium for our graduation ceremony. All the memories went through my mind. Our happy moments, the break - ups, patch - ups, low and high days, our fights, funny talks, mess in the bathrooms and much more. 

" Violet? " Adam shakes me hard.

" Hmm? " I asked.

" Your name has been taken. Go. " He said pointing at the stage.

" Yah. " I replied.

I walk towards the stage. Everyone was clapping and cheering for me. I felt so proud. I stand opposite Dean and bow. He hands me the scroll and puts the oxford cap on my head. I fix it with my other hand and face towards the cameras for a pic.

The day went shaking hands, making promises, giving hugs, smiles and kisses of course. I was very happy. At last I completed my masters and now I can start my own business or work anywhere for experience.

Fair Yet So Unfair!!...Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora