Chapter 29

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William's POV

" Sure. I'll go through it. Where should I sit? " Rose asked.

" Ohh. I totally forgot about your cabin. I'm sorry. You can use the guest room for now. I'll make sure your cabin is ready by tomorrow. " I said dialing the phone.

" I'll be fine there. Bye. " She replied.

She nodded and left. I dialed Dax's number instantly. A knock on the door followed in a minute.

" Come in. " I said.

Dax came in.

" You called for something urgent? " He asked.

" Get Rose's cabin ready by tomorrow. " I command.

" Sure, which floor? " He asked.

" This floor itself. " I said.

" Assume it's done. " He replied and left.

I hope she won't mind her office on the same floor. How could I forget about this? I was so excited to bring her here that her office didn't strike me. Insensitive William! I told myself.

I went back to work. Read a few files, signed the contracts papers and went for a conference meeting. The meeting took longer than I assumed. Convincing the investors was sort of more difficult than it seemed.

I looked around for Rose, but she was not there. I knock on the guest room door and open it. She stands up in shock. She was so engrossed in reading that she didn't realise the time.

She was having neck pain by reading in the same position for a long time. She was tired yet full of energy. Not an inch of tiredness can be seen on her face.

Dax companies us to the house.

" Where does he live? " She asked for drinking water from the glass that Margret served.

" In the apartment next to the building. Why did you ask? " I doubted.

" Nothing important. He accompanied us to here, that's why. " She replied.

" Dax has been working for me for the past six years. He bought that apartment three years ago. From that day, he accompanied me to the home. " I informed her.

" Ohh. Okay. " She replied.

" Dinner is ready. " Margret said.

The dinner went more conversative. She was constantly asking about the initiative of Agro Land, working rules, company's infrastructure, factories and many more.

The dessert was served. She took a bite and placed it aside.

" Didn't like it? " I asked.

" I don't like sweets much. But it is good. " She replied.

" Okay. You should take some rest now.The office hours start from six in the morning to seven in the evening. Therefore, be ready at six. I'll pick you up. " I informed her.

" Okay, I'll be ready. " She replied and went to her room upstairs.


Rose's POV

I got changed and lied back on the bed. As per my habit, I recall all the activities. Just in week time, everything goes upside down. Nina, Emma, Adam, Oliver. Oh God! I missed them a lot. Tears started to flow as their memories flashed by. I might not be able to meet them again. I miss the college days. Soon sleep captures me.

I woke up to the snoozing of the alarm clock. I changed into formals and went downstairs. Papa was ready at the table reading news.

" Good morning, papa. " I greet you.

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