Chapter 17

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Violet's POV

I went up to my locker. Next in line was Business Law And Ethics. Ohh, I love this subject. This lecture is going to be fun! I replaced the books and closed the locker. I was just about to head to the classroom, when a tap on my shoulder stops me.

" Hey, Violet. " She said smiling.

" Hey. " I rolled my eyes and turned back.

" Can't talk? " She asked to block my way.

" What do you want? I am getting late for my class. " I said.

" I won't take long. Please? " Her puppy doll eyes again!

" Ugh. Okay. Two minutes. " I said.

" So, settled here? " She asked.

" See, I don't know what problem you have with me, But I am not at all interested in talking to you. So, leave my way. " I almost shouted.

" I also don't want to beat a young teen. I just want you to stop seeking everyone's attention. I was supposed to be worthy of it. But, you ruined it. " She split pushing me back.

I almost fell on the floor.

" I noticed you glaring at me the whole lecture. And I am here for learning, not for seeking some sort of attraction. It would be better if you leave me alone. " I pushed her side and walked to the room.

I put the books on the bench and sit with a thud.

" Hey, everything's okay? Oliver asked.

" Yes. I don't know, what's her problem? " I blurred out.

" Who? Maria? " She asked.

" Yah, maybe that's her name. " I didn't remember her name.

" Ohh, that's fine. She is just an obnoxious daughter of a millionaire father. Just ignore her. That's best for you. " She informed me.

I smiled. Millionaire's daughter! Ha! I am a billionaire's daughter! I am in no way like her.

" But what's her problem with me? " I asked.

" She loves being an eye catcher. She was one, before you. For the past one week, I don't remember how many hearts she has broken. '' She said sarcastically.

" It seems that I am a big trouble for her then. " I said.

We both burst into laughter. I was just looking through the text when a beautiful lady around thirty five enter the room. She was wearing a big smile on her face with minimal makeup. She had blaxk pencil skirt with white shirt, giving a classic look with white adidas shoes.

" Good morning, ma'am. " We greet.

" Good morning, class. Please have a seat. " She said.

" Thank you ma'am. " We replied.

" How are you all young freshmen? " She asked in a friendly voice.

" All good. Fine. " We answered in groups.

" I am Ms. Sinclaire. Your Business Law And Ethics lecturer. I won't waste time on any kind of useless introduction. I'll start now. " She turned back to the board.

" Aww. Boring. " Were the only words I could hear from the backside.

" Let's start. " She says writing on the board.

She was good. Okay best in her subject. I didn't realise the period ending that soon! I was like, it just started a few minutes ago and ended early. It was a good kick start for the day.

I replaced my books with my next in line subject - Marketing. I was back in the class. There were still a few minutes to the break end. So, I decided to look through the text. I randomly opened the page and started reading it. Soon I heard the click and clack of shoe heels. A man in his late sixties enters the room. He was holding three books in his hand. He was an old man with a flat cap. He was small in size and little fat.

" Good morning, sir. " We greet.

" Good morning, everyone. Please be seated. " He said.

" Thank you, sir. " We replied.

" My name is Zachary Rogers, I am your Marketing professor. I hope you can cope with my speed. I am very strict and hate undisciplined adults. " He says in a harsh voice.

" We have a teen with us also. " A guy from the back shouted.

" Who? " His eyes are searching.

" That's me. " I stand up. " My name is Violet, and I am fourteen years old. " I said with a smile.

" Ohh, I see. You must be very intelligent to be here at this age? " He was surprised.

" Yah, I am. " I said.

" Let's continue then, it was nice meeting you Violet. " He said.

" Thank you, sir. " I replied.

The class went on. I got to learn something new. It was an interesting period. The bell rings and everyone runs out except me.

" You are not coming for lunch break? " Adam asked.

" I don't know. Someone might not like my presence in the canteen. I am fine here. " I said honestly.

" Ohh, come on. Just chill. You're coming with me, I'll show you around. " He insisted.

" No, I am really good here. You should go, have fun. " I started reading.

" Not without you. " He said and dragged me out of the class.


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