Chapter 4

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Jade's POV

I don't know what principal had said to them, that they agreed to homeschool me. I was very angry with my parents and especially with the principal. Reading a business book is not a crime after all!

When Dad left me in my room, I tried to sleep, But I couldn't. I heard voices coming from my parents room. They talked for a long time. Soon sleep captured me and I fell asleep.


I opened my eyes, it was sunset. The rays were filling my room passing through the curtains. The breeze was cold, the smell of flowers from the garden spread in my room. My room was just at the side of the garden, which makes it a perfect view point for sunset.

I woke up from the bed and changed. I was just about to leave the room when Dad called from the garden to come downstairs in the basement.

I had never been to the basement before. Whenever I tried to go there, they stopped me saying there are ghosts over there and they eat small children. I enter the basement and saw Mom and Dad sitting on the chair at the table. They showed me my chair to sit. I sat on the chair. I got shocked when I look around. There were many computer screens with long codes written on it. 

" What's all this Dad? " I asked curiously.

" Princess, I am going to tell you a deep secret now. I am a private detective working for the U.S Government. " He said.

" Whoa. '' I was shocked. " Mom, are you too a detective? " I asked her.

" No, princess. " She answered.

" We want you to know about us, so that you can take tough decisions for your life in need. Your school principal said that you are interested in the Business World, and oftenly reads business books? " He said.

" Yes, I do. " I answered.

" We want to give you the best we can give you, but my profession won't allow it. " He said.

" What do you mean by it? Are you two going to leave me? " I was confused.

" Maybe. I had many rivals in my profession. Sooner or later Wesleys will find us and kill us. " I started to cry.

" Kill You? " I was scared.

" Don't worry my princess. We had planned everything for you. " She said.

" Mom, Dad please don't leave me. I won't be able to live without you... I love you. I need you... " I said in between my sobs.

" You are our strong princess. And strong girls don't cry. " Mom patted on my back.

" Why are you telling all of this to me now? Are you going to leave me soon? " I asked.

" We want you to be prepared for everything. " She said

" What do you want me to do? " I finally asked.

" Now, that's my girl. " He said with a wide grin. I smiled.

" Do you remember uncle Joseph? " He asked.

" Yeah, the one who brought me a smartwatch last christmas. " I said.

" Yah. He will take care of you after we die. You will be home schooling under his observations. You can ask him anything you need. " He informs me.

" Is he too a detective? " I ask innocently.

" No, he is just a friend of mine. " He answered.

" Are you too a detective, Mom? " I ask her.

" No. " She answered. That's it.

I can understand that they don't want to share their past with me. Whether there would be something bad or just for my security reasons. I also don't force them to tell me about their past. But, I'll one day find it out. I promise.

" So, what am I supposed to do now? Are you shifting me to Washington near uncle Joseph in near time? " I ask confusingly.

" No, till we are alive. " He answered.

Tears flow through my eyes on the thought of losing them. Both hugged me tight. We sat there for some time hugging tight each other. My tears were unstoppable. Few tears also left their eyes seeing me in pain.


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