Chapter 21

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Violet's POV

My phone beeps again. Ugh! Why can't I enjoy some time? It was again the same unknown number. I thought of answering it. I swipe left.

" Who's this? " I asked.

" Jade? " A familiar voice speaks.

Who's this? How did he get my number? A hurricane of questions strikes me.

" Hello? Jade are you there? " The voice.

" Sorry, wrong number. " I cut the call.

A drop of sweat dripped along my neck. I shivered. The voice was very familiar.     All the memories flooded my brain. The fear on their face when I was seven, then their dead bodies, then uncle Joseph, and now this person. I am not ready for it again. I want a normal life! Why can't God give me that? Why? I started crying. Nina rushed in, only to see my red and swollen eyes.

" Hey dear. Are you okay? Why are you crying? " She rubbed my back.

I couldn't answer her. I just cried more in her arms. She took me to my room and laid me down on the bed. She put covers on me and switched off the lights. I soon fell asleep. 

I am burning. Fire all over my body. I screamed for help. No one came. Soon I stop breathing. I die. 

I woke up in terror. I was sweating a lot. I swipe my head from head to neck to wipe it. Thank God, it was just a nightmare. I got off the bed and went near the window. The scent of flowers filled my nose. I feel better now. I poured a glass of water from the side table of the bed and drank it. I walk to the closet. I found the bag I bought from Coronado which had been collecting dust for years.

I tap on it to remove the dust. I slowly open it. The first thing on my eyes was the photo frame of Mom, Dad and me. I was six years old, wearing my favourite red frock. It was shot at the park I loved the most. A tear left my eye. I don't know how long I spent there. 

I open my eyes. I was in the dressing room. My neck aches due to sleeping in a prone position. I started to put all the stuff back in the bag. A photo catches my attention. It was of Mom and Dad with his friend of the service. I tried to recall his name, but I couldn't. Two to three times only he visited us. How could I remember his name? But, he was very close to Dad. I see Dad talking to him on video chat or through text. They were really very close.

My phone beeps again. The same unknown number!

" See, whoever you are. I am not Jade. My name is Violet. So please don't call me again. " I spit.

" I know you're Jade. Can we meet? It's very important and confidential. " He says.

" No. Never! Never call again. " I cut the call.

I threw my phone on the bed and went to the bathroom. I took longer than usual. I feel fresh. I went downstairs. Nina was ready with breakfast.

" When will Emma land? " I asked for a bite of bread - jam.

" At ten. I would like to take a leave to receive her. Can I go? " She asked.

" You'll not need one. I'll pick her up. " I said.

" Please, don't trouble yourself. " She replied.

" Airport is on my way. I'll receive her. Don't worry. " I said.

" Thanks, dear. " She replied.

I smiled.  After breakfast I did some exercise, worked out a little bit and read novels. Nina reminds me of going to the airport.

I went to the airport in my favourite Mercedes - Benz Silver Lightning. I waited outside the airport. I saw people coming out of the gate. I instantly recognize Emma. She was of the same age as I. I waved to her. 

" Hey, Emma. How are you? " I asked.

" I'm fine ma'am. How are you? " She asked back.

" Ugh, please. Ma'am? Seriously? Call me V. I'm good by the way. Come, let's go. " I said.

Driver put her luggage in the front seat. We both crawl backside. We were in the mansion in about thirty minutes. Nina captured Emma in her arms as soon as they both met. I smile seeing love and bond between them. My phone beeps again ruining the moment.

" What the hell do you want? I told you I am not the one you're looking for. So, please stop calling me. " I was annoyed.

" Listen, please. Don't cut the call. I need to tell you something. " He was pleading.

" You have thirty seconds. " I said.

" Your life is in danger. Leave the place right now. " He said.

" Are you out of your mind? I am in a mansion with tight security. No one can even touch me. " I was angry now.

" Please, leave. Please, trust me. " His tone was serious.

" Who are you? Why should I trust you? " I asked.

" There's no time in discussing that. Just leave. " He ordered.

" Listen, Mr. Whoever you're, I am safe and sound. Please don't call again! " I said, pressuring every word.

" PLease. " He kept saying.

I cut the call.

" Who's that? Anything serious, dear? " Nina asked from the kitchen.

" Nothing much. Make lunch. I'll have it early today. " I said and walked upstairs. Probably running.

I was really scared. My stomach started to make sounds. My palms were sweaty. I took a deep breath. I sat on the bed. Look around. Everything was at its place. Nothing was wrong. I rolled my eyes and decided to surf the internet for some distraction. 

I opened my laptop. My Photo of graduation was still on hot news. Many people had seen that. They were commenting too. I feel proud of myself. I spent about an hour or two reading the stories and comments about me. My phone beeps again. I roll my eyes.

" Please, don't cut the call. You need to leave right now. Your life is in danger. " He speaks fast.

" Ohh really? Then why don't you come here and save me? Who's gonna kill me? I don't trust you. Goodbye. " I was annoyed and angry. 

I cut the call. I closed my eyes and lied back. I heard a knock on the door.

" Come in. " I said.

Nina comes in.

" Lunch is ready. " She said.

" Bring it here. " I ordered. 

" Sure. " She said and left.

Emma came in with lunch. She kept the plates on the table and stood aside.

" Thanks. " I said.

" You're most welcome, V. " She replied.

" I like that. So what are you doing this evening? " I asked for lunch. 

" Nothing much. I thought of looking around the city. I heard that, the museums here are really cool! " She replied.

" I can give you a company, if you want. I am free this evening. " I suggest.

" I would love that if it doesn't trouble you. " She replied.

" Not at all. Be ready at four. " I said. 

She took the plates after I finished. I decide to take a nap before going out. I lied back on the bed, set an alarm on the phone and fell asleep.

I wake up at half past three. I freshen up myself and went downstairs. Emma was ready waiting for me. We both smiled at each other and went out. The car was ready. The first museum was outside the city a bit far away. 

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