Chapter 13

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Violet's POV

I slept like a baby last night. I wake up at noon. I took extra time in the bath to feel fresh. Hot and cold water simultaneously boosts the energy in the body and helps in releasing tension.

I walked down. I took a bottle of juice from the refrigerator and poured a glass of it. The mansion seems silent. I looked around, but no one was there. I decided to take a walk in the garden. I roam about an hour in the east greenland. I felt light and refreshed. I went back to the mansion. Nina was preparing lunch. She wished me and got back to her chores.

" How long have you been working over here? " I asked.

" About the past twelve years. " She answered.

" How many of you are here? " I started to enquire.

" We are ten. " She replied.

" How did you get paid? " I asked.

" The money is directly transferred to our accounts at the end of the month. Michael takes care of it. " She answered by tossing the pancake on the plate.

" I see. " I said and went to the table.

Nina served me lunch. I took my time to eat it. When I was done, I headed towards my study room. I searched for universities I can enroll on my laptop. My search comes to a dead end every time at Harvard University. I decide to give it a visit tomorrow morning. I was not there on any social media sites. I never thought of making an account there. I still had a hard time communicating with strangers. I might have a genius brain, but I lack behind in small things, especially girly things. I am an introvert. Books are the only friend I have. I don't know how I am going to face this all.

I took a deep breath and closed my laptop. I started reading an erotic novel to lighten my mood. Soon sleep captured me and I slept on the couch itself.


I am waiting outside Harvard University in my Mercedes-Benz Silver Lightning. I checked myself for empteenth time. I had to wear a western style, navy blue colour kurta with matching leggings. I checked the folder in my hand. All the documents were properly placed. I step out of the car. I straighten my dress and walk inside the huge infrastructure.

The building was enormous. It has three wings. Benches were there at the sides. Beds of different flowers lining the path. Trees are lined up neatly forming a tree tunnel adding beauty to the place.

I hold my file tight and begin to walk. I turned all eyes on me in barely a few seconds. Whether they don't like me being here or there's something wrong in my dress code or I made a big mistake making a fool of myself.

Come on, Violet. You can do that. Just keep a straight face. Smile. Walk confidently. Show maturity. I keep telling myself.

I walk through the long path from the entry gate to the main door, slowly like a bride walking through an aisle. I entered the building looking around to find my way. It was cozy inside. The boards were filled with papers and pictures of students of excellence. I was just about to turn when a man around twenty four approaches me.

" Hey, little girl. Lost here? " He asked.

" What's the way to Dean's office? " I asked back.

" It's upstairs, third door on the right... " I cut him.

" Thanks. " I said.

" May I know your name? " He asked.

" My name is violet. " I replied.

" Nice name, I am Adam Phillips, first year. " He introduced himself.

" Thank you, nice to meet you. Bye. " I said.

" Bye. " He replied.

I turn away towards the stairs. I walk past two doors at right and stand at the third door. There's Dean's room board sign on the door. I took a deep breath and knocked on the door. 

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