Chapter 11

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Violet's POV

Next month are my finals. I am a little tense. Two years flew like air. I'll be forteen in two weeks. I am very excited for it. I had never stepped out of the mansion in these two years. I was actually used to living inside from home schooling earlier. That's why I am scared of going to the college for my finals!


" Are you ready? " He asked.

" Yah, almost. " I checked myself for the last time and left the room.

I stepped in the car and took a deep breath. My palm was sweating due to tension in my mind.

" Don't worry, everything will be fine. Just stay focused and give your best shot. Okay? " He tries to calm me down.

I took another deep breath when I saw the college. It is jaw dropping. Fountain in the middle, green grass lands at the side. A tall building stood straight in front. Students were passing through the garden holding books in their hands and memorizing it. They were all under pressure like my. The difference is just that I was under pressure not for the exam, but for facing them all. And they were under pressure because of exams.

Come on, Violet. You can do this. Come on. I kept saying to myself. We begin to walk towards the building turning each and every eyes towards us. Dad tapped on my shoulders and gave a bright smile. I walked to my exam hall under confidence. I found my seat with my name written on it and sat there.

Everyone was eyeing on me and then turned away to talk with their partner. I feel a lot of embarrassment sitting there. Luckily the bell rang. We were given our papers and instructed to start.

The paper was not very tough. I finished my paper ten minutes before time. I checked my paper for the last time and submitted it to the invigilator. Everyone was shocked to see me leaving before time.

I was waiting outside the Dean's office. Dad needs to talk with Dean regarding some documents and paperwork. I was looking blankly at the notice board. Trying to ignore the eyes on me.

A boy at around age of twenty one approaches me and introduces himself.

" Hi, I am Alex. I am in my last year. You... " He tries to find the words.

" Hey, I am Violet. I took it last year. " I introduced myself.

" Are you not early for this college? " He asked.

" Yah, a bit around seven years. " I try to sound well.

" You must be a genius then! " He says jokingly.

" Yah, sort of. " I replied.

" Come, Violet. We need to go. " Says dad from behind.

What a timing he had! Alex smiled at me and smiled back. We went back to the mansion. I felt relieved after taking a bath. Nina informs me about lunch.

I went down for lunch, but dad was not there. It was surprising. He is never late for meals. He always waits for me to join.

" Where's dad? " I asked.

" Sir is still sleeping. " She replied.

" That's something new... Is he okay? " I was worried.

" I thought so. " She replied.

I thought of checking on him later after lunch. I went to his room. He was still lying on the bed. I touched his forehead to check the temperature. It was cold. I panicked. I try to move him. But he didn't respond.

" Nina! Nina! " I yelled.

She comes running in.

" Yes, Violet. Everything's right? " She asked entering the room. 

" Call the doctor now. We need to take him to the hospital! " I ordered.

" Yes, I'll do that immediately. " She turned back and was gone.

" Wake up, dad. Wake up! " Tears started to flow from my eyes.


I was sitting in the waiting area, tapping my foot on the floor continuously. My hands started to sweat like hell. My heart was heavy.

" Are you Ms. Martins? " Doctor asked me.

" Yah, is he a fine doctor? " I asked back.

" I am sorry, we are not able to save him. He had a heart stroke. " Doctor said in a low voice.

" That can't be true. I need to see him. " I said.

" I am sorry for your loss, Ms. Martins. But, he is no more. " Doctor confirms me.

I was not ready to accept that. I lost my Mom and Dad at the age of twelve and now dad again... I feel so tired. I fall back on the chair with a loud noise. My world shatters in front of my eyes once again. This time I have no idea what to do? Oh God, help me. Show some grace on me.


The people of the community service helped me with his funeral. I saw a coffin lowered six feet under the ground. Past memories of Mom and Dads' funeral crosses me. I was blank. I closed my eyes. 

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