Chapter 1

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Jacob's POV

" Take a deep breath T " I tried to calm her.

" Please be fast, the pain is too much " Pleaded Tiana.

" I know, I love you. Everything will be alright. I am with you. No need to worry. We are almost there. " I tried to be calm.

" Jack.... Jack! " She screams.

She squeezed my hand taking the life out of it. Finally we reached the hospital. I cried out loud for the doctor. Within seconds a nurse and compounder came with a stretcher. We carefully transferred T on the bed and headed to the operation room.

" Doctor please save my wife, she is my life. " I pleaded with the doctor.

" Don't worry. We'll try our best. " Doctor says with a straight tone.

I had changed and was standing beside my lovely wife in the operation room. I was brushing my hand on her forehead and in her hair. She was sweating a lot.

" I love you Jack... Please take care of our dau-ghter after me... " She stammers.

" Don't say like that, you are not living me. Trust me, everything will be alright. I love you. I can't live without you. Our daughter needs her mother. " I tried to control my tears.

" Mrs.Whistle, push hard on count of three. 1... 2... 3... Now, push " Instructed the doctor.

Tiana pushes as hard as she can screaming loud. Her palm was sweaty and she was squeezing my hand hard. After a few seconds I heard the cry of a child. I was not able to control my tears any more. Tears flowed from my eyes like rain water.

" Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Whistle, you have a healthy sweet little girl. " Doctor says handing me the baby.

Her eyes were saphire blue like a deep ocean. Her fingers were small. She was holding my finger with her little ones. Her face was small and beautiful. 

" See T, our daughter. " I bend down to her.

She takes the baby and smiles wide. She kisses her on her forehead. Tears flowing from her eyes.

" She is our Jade. Welcome to our life Jade whistle. " She says.

" I love you, you make me the happiest in the world today. I love you. I love you a lot my queen. " I say hugging her.

She handed me our daughter and went to a peaceful sleep. She must have got tired by painful labour. Nurse took the baby and went out. I kissed her and let her sleep.

I was sitting in the waiting area when a nurse informed me that Tiana is conscious now. 

" Hey sweetheart, how are you feeling now? " I asked her.

" I am good. How's our daughter? " She asked.

" She is well and resting here. " I pointed towards the baby swing in the room.


I put our baby carefully on the bed and helped Tiana to settle down. She satrted feeding her while I went to the kitchen to cook dinner.

She was too tired to eat by herself, so I fed her slowly. She was smiling and caressing Jade all the while.

" She is beautiful like you. You completed my life. Thank you. I love you. " I wiped her mouth with a towel.

" I love you too Jack. And our daughter is the sign of our love. " She replied and I nodded.


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