Chapter 8

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Jade's POV

I found the bag and dragged it out. I put it on the bed and opened it. There were few documents of mine and another envelope at last. I took out the envelope and opened it. It reads.

Dear princess,

This is your new identity, you are Violet Martins from now onwards. Jade Whistle is no more. Be always with uncle Joseph. There's a hundred billion in your account with the name of Violet Martin. Bank details would be handed over to you by Brake Brown, the lawyer, until now. Use it for good. Follow your dreams and live a happy life. Start a new life with him in Washington D.C. We are sorry to leave you all alone in this world, but we know, you will make it. Take care.

With lots of love

Mom and Dad

I looked at the other documents in the bag, there was a passport, birth certificate, national identity card and many more all with the name of Violet Martin. I then read the documents I have signed earlier still in my hand. There was also Violet Martin written as the owner.

One thing  was not able to understand, why Dad trusted so much on uncle Joseph? And why did he create an artificial identity as my daughter. I need the answers.

" Uncle Joseph. " I yelled from my room.

He came running in. I showed him my passport.

" Why? " I asked.

" What why? " He sounds confused.

" Why did he want me to be your daughter? Answer me honestly. " I cried.

" Because you are my daughter. " He says lifting his shoulders.

" Don't lie. Tell me the truth. " I yelled.

" Trust me, I am not telling you any lies, nor I'll in future. Your dad was infertile and I donated the sperms for the IVF process. Yes, I am your biological dad. That's why he wanted me to take care of you. A dad can never harm his child. I also owe him a lot, I owe him my life too. I'll do anything to protect you. " He says in one breath.

I was standing shocked over there. My brain stopped working. Uncle Joseph is my father. Dad is not my father! 

" Then why didn't he tell me before? " I asked.

" He doesn't want you to know. He was very happy when you were born and don't want to tear it apart with this truth. " He replied.

" So what do I call you? Uncle Joseph or Dad? " I asked.

" I would you calling me dad, by that way it will help you to adopt your new identity. " He replied. 

" Okay, I'll try. So what next? Are we moving to Washington D.C? " I asked.

" Yes, tomorrow morning, we'll leave Toronado. So packed up your books and essential things. No need to pack everything. Everything is ready at home. " He replied.

" Home? " I asked.

" Yah, your new address, Washington D.C. " He replied.

" Okay. " I said.

" Let's have dinner first, you must be hungry. After that I'll help you in packing. Okay? " He said.

" Yes, uncle - dad. " I corrected myself.

" You'll eventually learn to call me dad. I know you are a very good learner. " He said smiling.

I smiled back. He nodded and went to the kitchen. I look around my room, what to pack and what to not. There was nothing much I needed to pack except my books and few of my favourite clothes. 

I lied on the bed on the back and started to absorb what's going on! I came to know that I am a billionaire now, uncle Joseph is my biological dad, I am no more Jade Whistle, I am Violet Martin now, my new home is in Washington D.C. Ohh God! So much for a twelve year old girl! Lots of things going on... I need to stay strong, they wished. Uncle - dad's voice brings me out of my thoughts.

" Lunch is ready, come on princess. " He said with love.

I woke up and went to the hall. I helped him in doing the table and then we ate lunch together.

" How did you both become friends? " I finally asked the question which had been on my mind since the beginning.

" You really want to know that? " He asked me.

" Yah, if you don't mind me telling. " I replied.

" You are still small to know the truth, don't worry I'll tell you everything when you are ready and mature enough. " He said.

" I am big enough to handle that. " I wanted to know the truth. 

" Not now Violet. " He said.

He already started to call me Violet and I am not able to call him dad! Ohh God, help me...

" But... " He cuts me.

" You'll come to know the truth in the future surely, but not now please. " He requested.

" Okay. " I turn off the topic. " Why didn't you get married yet? " I asked.

" Didn't find the one. " He said smiling.

His laughter lowered the tension between us. He kept the plates in the sink and started washing them, while I went to my room to pack.

I started with my clothes, a few jewelleries, some photographs and then at last my lovely books. meanwhile unc - dad come in and help me in packing.

" You also read romantic novels? " He asked me to pick one of the books.

" You also mean? Who else reads them? " I questioned back.

" I read them in my free time. " He replied, putting back the book.

" Ohh. " That's all I managed to say.

I put all the new documents in my handbag and put it aside. I was tired by the evening and feeling hungry. The aroma of pineapple cake fills my room. I ran towards the kitchen to see uncle - dad making it one. I really need to work on calling him dad!

" That's my favourite dessert. " I said excitedly.

" I know, your dad would talk about it a lot. " He said while platting it.

The hearing of Dad's name brought tears to my eyes. I missed them.

" Hey don't cry. " He said behind the counter.

" I missed them. I love them a lot. " I said in a low voice. 

" I know, I know. They are too sweet to forget. You need to stay strong. Come on chin up! " He encourages me.

" Thanks dad. " I finally called him dad.

" You are my daughter Violet, you don't need to thank me. Come on, dinner is ready. " He wiped my tears off.

We ate dinner silently. No one of us is ready to speak. After we were finished, he put the plates in the sink and started cleaning them. I went to the room and decided to take a warm bath to ease the tension building up in my body.

I was just about to turn the lights off when I heard a knock on my door.

" Come in. " I said.

" Hey, are you alright? I am just here to check if you need anything? " He asked.

" Yes dad, I am fine and I don't need anything now. I was just going to sleep. " I replied. 

" Okay, sleep well. We'll leave for Washington at eight. " He informs me.

" I'll be ready.  By the way, you are a great cook. The meals were delicious. I like it. " I said.

" I am glad you like it. Sleep well my child. " He said, kissing on my forehead. 

" Good night dad. " I replied and went to sleep.  

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