Chapter 2

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7 years later...

Jade's POV

" Sorry ma'am, I'll not do that again. " I pleaded.

" Jade, call your parents tomorrow in school at 8. I need to meet them. " principal says.

" Ma'am, please ma'am. Please don't call them. I promised I'll not do it again. " I tried to control my tears.

" Jade, my decision is final. I want your parents  here tomorrow at 8. You can live now. " She ordered.

Tears were just flowing through my eyes, unstoppable. I know I'm in a big problem now.

My whole day went silent. I am still thinking about how to inform my parents about it. I knew I had made a big mistake. First grade students are not allowed to read the other books in the library rather than story and rhymes. But I was getting so bored of the kid's stories and rhymes that I picked up a book from the business world section and started to read it. I was in the middle when the principal caught me hiding and reading a different book.


I took a deep breath and knocked on the door of my home. Mom welcomes me with a smile and hug. I just went inside with my head down and eyes stuck to the floor.

"Everything's okay my princess? " She asked.

" Yes mom, just a little tired. I am going to take a bath. " I answered without looking at her.

" Okay princess, I'll keep the lunch ready. " She said while going to the kitchen.

I put my bag on the bed and went to take a bath. I feel fresh after a long bath. I eat lunch with Mom while answering her questions about my day. I told her everything. Of course except for the book. I know she will scold me for breaking rules, that's why I wanted to wait for Dad.

Mom got busy doing her chores while I started to do my homework. After doing homework, I searched for the book I was reading on Mom's phone and luckily found it free online. I was just about to search for another book after completing it, when the doorbell rings. I know Dad is here.

I ran through the hallway from my room to open the door. He smiles widely seeing me and lifts me up to his arms and swings. I was happy and laughing.

" How's my little princess? " He asked.

" All good. " I replied, still in his arms.

" The dinner will be ready in 20 minutes. Take a bath first. " Mom yelled from the kitchen.

" As you wish my sweetheart. " Dad replied. 

" Dad, I found a new book to read today. " I said in excitement.

Dad very well knew about my passion for reading different books.

" Really? What's the name of the book? Another book of the business world? " He asked.

" Yes. " I replied.

" Hmm. Let's have dinner first and then we'll talk about it later. " He said while putting me down on the floor slowly.

We were all three sitting on the table eating dinner. Mom and Dad loved me a lot. Mom brings my favourite pineapple cake forin the dessert.

" Thank you Mom. I love you. " I said with a watery mouth.

Both laughs as I cut a big piece of cake and place it in my mouth hungrily. I just loved pineapple cake. I can't get enough of it. My Mom makes the world's best pineapple cake. No one can beat her in cooking.

Then, I remember that I have to inform Mom and Dad about the meeting in school with the principal. I just thought of not saying it, but there's a way. Finally, I took a deep breath.

" Mom, Dad. " I stopped.

" Yes Princess. " He gestures to me to speak further with his hand.

" I am sorry... The principal wants to meet you both tomorrow at 8 in school. " I finally said it.

" Have you done anything wrong? " She asked.

" Not really. I was getting bored, therefore I read another book from the  business world section and she saw it. " I say in a low voice.

" Ohh girl, why don't you understand? You are too small to read that kind of books. You even understands a word from it? You are still in first grade. " She said surprisingly calmly.

" I know Mom, but I loved to read those books and I understood them well. " I said playing with the fork.

" But... " She tries to say something when Dad cuts her in.

" Ohh come on sweetheart. Let her do what she wants. It is not like that she had done anything wrong. She just reads books. " Dad butted in.

He is my true savior.

" It is not expected from a first grade student Jack. " Mom still argues.

" Ahh come one. " He waves his hand in the air. " Don't worry princess, we'll talk to the principal. Now go and sleep. " He was so calm and caring.

I stood up and gave them a hug and kiss and ran towards my room. I lied on bed trying to sleep. I still can hear both of them talking, more like arguing on something. Soon I fell asleep. 

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