Chapter 18

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Adam's POV

She was light to drag out. Fear was clearly visible on her face.

" Hey, are you okay? " I asked.

" How can I? When I know I'm going to be humiliated again. " She replied.

" Everything's gonna be fine. Just relax and open up. " I advised.

" It's easy for you adults, not for a teenage girl alone in the great mass of adults! " She almost shouted.

" Whoa. Cool. " I split.

She rolls her eyes and quietly follows me to the canteen. The canteen was very cozy, fresh air, assembled benches and full of aroma of our lunch.

" What would you like to have in lunch Ms. Violet? " I asked grining.

" Don't call me that. I'll have whatever you have. " She replied.

" Okay. Take a seat over there. I'll join you in five minutes. " I said.

I made her sit in the middle of the cafeteria and headed towards the counter. As soon as I leave her, a few groups of senior students approach her. I know she'll have a hard time, but she needs that. I don't know why I feel for her like this? Maybe because I miss my sister? God knows. 

I grab two trays from the counter and trip to her table. She was surrounded by a horde of students. I make my way through all of them and sit beside her.

" Here you go. " I slide the tray.

" Thanks. " She replied.

" Your life must be so full of surprises and interesting things na? " A boy asked.

" Not really. " That's it. This was her reply.

" Oh, come on. Don't be shy. " He hesitated,

" You can't force her to open up. She'll share if she wants. " I was irritated by him.

" If I share my personal info with anyone, I might not be able to continue my studies. " She said.

Everyone was surprised. I too.

"Why? " He asked again.

" I can't say that. But for your interest. " She said thinking. " I am not from here. I am an orphan, always by myself. I am not that so poor little girl, I am good, financially stable. I have been here for the past two years. I don't have any friends, but I'll make sure I can make some here. " She said.

" Sure. You are pretty amazing. " He said.

She smiles. " Thank you. " She said.

" So any relatives? Brother? Sister? Anyone? " He asked.

" Nope, I am only the one left out of my family. " She said in a low voice.

" I am sorry. " He said.

" It's okay. Let's eat. I am starving. " She said.

" I thought you don't want to come here until I drag you out? " I asked, smiling.

" I changed my mind. " She said digging in her food.

Rest of others bring their plates and join us. It was fun talking with her. She has dark secrets that she preserves and is scared to share. We didn't push her much. She was getting blended around. We headed back to the class.

" Where's the library? " She asked.

" It's downstairs. I'll show you around after school? " I asked.

" Sure, brother. " She said.

" I like it when you call me brother. " I said honestly.

She smiles. We took our books from our locker which were on the way and settled in the lecture room.

Our next subject is Human Resources. Soon other students started to settle down. An old woman in her early fifties enters the class.

" Good afternoon ma'am. " We greet.

" Afternoon. Sit down. " She said.

" Thank you, ma'am. " We replied.

" Let me introduce myself. I'm Nancy Diaz. You can call me Mrs. D. And I'm your Human Resources teacher. So let's get started. " She says.

Ohh God. No introduction. Mr. Franklin was the only one to do that so. He is very cool. The class started and I got back to studying. The period goes well. For others!

I got a glance at V. She was engaged in reading. She was having a good time. I think so.

" Last class to go. " I said walking to the locker.

" Yeah. The day was long. " She replied.

" Hey, V. What are you doing on Friday night? " I asked.

" V? " She smiles. " I like it. Nothing much. Why? " She asked back.

" We had the freshers party. You would like to come? " I asked.

" I'll think about it. No promises. " She said.

" I'll wait for your answer. " I replied.

" By the way, Olivia is interested in coming with you. Should I ask her? " She asked looking in my eyes.

At the name of Olivia only, my face goes red with blush. I had a crush on her and now she likes me too. I got a win. 

" Really? " I asked to play with the text in my hand.

" If you are not interested then I'll inform her. " She said.

" No! " I shout.

She raised her eyebrow.

" I mean, I can come. " I said shyly.

" I knew you wanted to come, lover. " She said, hitting me with her elbow.

My smile widened. 

" She also likes you. " She whispered in my ear and ran towards the class.

I follow her blushing. She was talking, more of whispering and giggling with Olivia. I smiled at her when our eyes locked. She smiles back. Yes! Thank God. Thank you so much.

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