Chapter 25

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Violet's POV

My head spins due to a headache I got from Mr. Woodland. Her brother killed my parents and now he wants to help me? Adopt me? What the hell is going on in my life! I walked out of the guest room to get some fresh air. I met Mr. Powell on the way.

" Hey, Jade. How are you feeling now? " He asked politely.

" Fine, just a little headache. " I replied.

" Take some rest, you'll feel better. " He advised.

" You're the friend of Dad na? " I asked. " I had seen your pictures with him. You were very close to him. " I said.

" Yes, we were best buddies. I worked with him for a long time. That brings us close. " He replied.

" Then why did you work for Mr. Woodland now? " I asked.

" Because he is a changed man. He left the life he used to live before. Now he works in peace and manages a good business. " He answered.

" Hmm. By the way, what business does he do? " I enquired.

" He built his own agricultural based company. Agro Land. It has a branch in Liverpool too. " He informed me.

" Okay. " Was all I managed to say.

I went upstairs to my room. I took the pill from the study drawer placed side by the window. I gulped it with water. I need rest to think. I laid down on the bed and fell asleep.

" Wake up rose. " A manly voice falls on my ears.

I turn to the other side.

" It's dinner time. Wake up child. " He said.

" Few more minutes, Mr. Woodland. " I said in a sleepy voice.

" You need to eat. Wake up, princess. " He rubbed my head.

I shoved his hand off. I woke up, rubbed my eyes and directly went to the washroom ignoring him. I got fresh and went downstairs. He was waiting for me on the dining table. My plates were already there. I sat two seats away from him and started eating.

" Tomorrow early in the morning there'll be your photo shoot. We need your pictures for paperwork. Then, we can visit our company. I'll introduce you to others. " He said.

I didn't reply and continued eating.

" Should I take it as yes? " He asked.

I didn't reply.

" Do you have any other plans? " He asked.

I thought for a second. Should I trust him or not? I should know my world first.

" Can I just wander around tomorrow? " I still had eyes on the plate.

" Yah, sure. Why not. You can take David with you. He is a very good guide. " He said.

Rest of dinner was quiet. I went back to my room. I was not able to sleep. I just turn side to side all night. Finally I fall asleep at five in the morning. 

Someone knocks on the door. I opened my eyes and studied the environment. I remembered the conversation with Mr. Woodland and Mr. Powell. I woke up and opened the door. A woman in her mid sixties stands at the door.

" Hello ma'am. I'm Margret. I'm your caretaker. If you need anything, just call my name. Master told me to wake you up early for a tour of the city. Your breakfast is ready. " She said.

" Okay. I'll be there in ten. " I closed the door.

I got changed and went downstairs. She was ready to do the table. I sat on the chair and took a bite of the food. It tastes different.

" Sorry, ma'am. We didn't know your taste. You can order whatever you want to eat. We'll make it according to your call. '' She says reading my face.

" It's not bad either. I would like to have pineapple juice for breakfast. " I made my choice.

" Sure, I'll just be back. " She said.

" Okay. " I gave her permission.

She went to the kitchen and came back within two minutes with a jar and a glass.

" It's fresh. Straight from the garden. You'll love it. " She said, pouring juice in the glass.

She handed me the glass. It was really very good. Delicious, fresh and cool.

" It's nice. " I said smiling.

" I'm glad you like it. " She said, picking up my plates.

I cleaned my hands and went outside the bungalow. Mr. Powell was waiting in the car. Butler opens the door for me. I sat at the back.

" What's our first stop, Mr. Powell? " I asked as the car started.

" First we'll visit some famous museums. Grosvenor Museum and Cheshire Military Museum. Then Cheshire Workshops. Then Beeston And Peckforton Castles. Then at last City Wall and City Streets. It would be a long day today. " He folded back the slip he was reading off the schedule.

" Okay. " That was only my reply.

As he had said, it was a very long day. I came to know about the history of the city. Chester is a beautiful city. Full of lovely people. I fell in love with this city and its country. We had lunch at a seven star restaurant. I was hungry and more than usual. We were back at the bungalow around eight in the evening. I was tired and exhausted.

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