part one

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December 14th
Patton's pov:

"Only eleven more days until Christmas!!" I cheerfully yell while at mine and my boyfriend's apartment. Christmas had always been my favorite holiday, mostly because all of the giving and showing people how much you love them.

My boyfriend, Remus, on the other hand. He hated the holidays and found them to be stupid. For example, when I asked what he wanted for Christmas, he said "why the fuck would I want anything? It's just some dumb holiday.. But if you insist on a gift for me.." He continued on saying how he wanted to have sex. I was not ready for that at all. I wanted to wait until it felt right for me, even if he didn't like that idea.

It was 1 pm and I decided to go Christmas shopping for my family and friends! I had a list to get everything I figured they would want.

Virgil gets an MCR hoodie and some dark eyeshadows, Roman has been begging for a ukulele, Remus.. I was thinking to get him a large stuffed octopus, Janus didn't want much but I chose to make him a small yellow snake! I had all the materials to do so and he deserved it!

While I was at the mall, in hot topic to get Virgil's gift, I got distracted and got him so much more, most of it dark and scary.. For me at least. After I paid for my gift for Virgil, I left the store and went to my car. I had decided to go to Walmart to buy a bunch of sweets and drinks! Maybe even find some gifts for family and friends.

I got into my car and started the engine, blasting Christmas music to really get into the Christmas spirit!

Once I got to the store, I hopped out of the car and locked it after. I walked into the store and immediately went into the candy aisle. I bought so much chocolate and other sweets before going to get some hot chocolate.

Time skip to remus' and Patton's apartment

I got back home at 4 pm since I kept getting distracted. I unlocked my apartment door and opened the door only to see Remus! I smiled brightly and put my bags down to give him a hug "Hi, Re-" I was cut off by him grabbing my wrist, it hurt and his grip was tight. I whimpered and followed him into our bedroom feeling extremely confused.

My happiness quickly left as he locked the door and went by me with a lustful look in his eyes. He put his hands on my waist and moved them up underneath my shirt "remus.. What.. What are you doing?" I asked quietly, looking up at him with a nervous look.

Remus chuckled and replied with, "You're all about giving and making people happy, right pat?" I sheepishly nod "Good. I would be extremely happy if you gave me your body tonight. I've waited patiently for months and I think now would be a good time for you to give me something in this relationship"  he didn't sound like he was asking either, it was more demanding and scary.

I didn't know how to respond, I wasn't ready and I didn't want too at all. "Remus I really don't think now is a good time. I don't think im rea-" I was interrupted again by him growling

"When will you be ready then? Do I dominate you and put you in your place?! you'll finally understand that we get to fuck whenever I feel like it"

That's when I realized I needed to get out of his grip and I needed to leave now! He's never acted like this before and I didn't understand the sudden change but I sure didn't like it. If we're being honest, im terrified of it. Remus was way taller and stronger than me. So when I tried backing up, he held onto my waist tighter, making me yelp quietly.

He pushed me onto the bed, pinning my hands above my head. I looked at him with tears in my eyes "please.. Please don't do this.." I begged, this only made him smirk.. He liked begging.

"If you cooperate with me, it won't hurt you as much. So you better listen to me and shut up" I of course listened to him and got quiet, closing my eyes tightly as tears ran down my face. I prayed there was some way I could get out of this situation.

Remus' pov:

I have been sick and tired of waiting for patton to 'be ready' in his words. When he was gone I realized that if I fucked him nice and hard tonight, he would be more submissive towards me.

We were now in the bed, my plan was going smoothly since he's already listening to me. "Im gonna move my hands from your wrists but you better stay still or there will be consequences." I said harshly, he nodded which made me smirk.

Sure, I was being hard on him, but its the only way he's going to listen. I moved my hands and take his shirt off "you look so hot like this for me" I went down by his neck and kissed it softly for a bit, I quickly changed though and started sucking and biting slightly. Him whimpering and gripping the sheets made me smirk more as I marked him.

"Now people will know who you belong too" I mumbled in his ear, I could tell he wanted to stop, but I needed to do this for him and me. 

I moved off of him, yanking his pants and boxers off impatiently. He tried to hide and curl up but I quickly corrected that by smacking his ass roughly. He whimpered and cried quietly but I warned him!! I did the same after, taking off my boxers and pants. It took me a second, but in the end I decided to use some lube so it didn't hurt him as much. I got up and off the bed and went to the drawer, taking my attention off of him.

Patton's pov

I watched the person I trusted and loved with all my heart about to force me to do something. All I could do is cry and beg he would stop, he didn't. It's not like I could run out and yell for help, im completely naked! That's when I saw him come back, my heart stopped as he got on top of me. "Pl- please remus don't do this.." I already sounded defeated since I knew I couldn't stop this.

He chuckled, roughly grabbing my chin "im sorry love, Im doing this for both of us. You'll thank me later" its like he didn't even care that this was breaking me! He moved his hand and grabbed my waist. He had no hesitation when he lined himself against my hole and pounded into me. I sobbed out loudly, he gave me no time to get used to his length as he started thrusting roughly into me.

I felt nothing but pain for twenty whole minutes as took control of my body without permission. When he finished, he didn't even help me after.

"See? It wasn't that bad. But I do have to get ready for work though. Thanks for the fun time" he kissed my cheek but I didn't feel loved by it anymore. I felt dirty and gross as he showered and dressed himself before leaving.

I decided to take a bath after ten minutes of him being gone. My bottom hurt so much and it still stung from him spanking me. I made myself a bubble bath and stayed in there for what seemed like forty minutes. That's when I planned to leave.

I got myself dressed and packed everything I needed. I also got extra money just to be sure "im sorry remus.." I mumble, writing a note that stated 'im sorry Remus but what happened today, I can't trust you anymore. You physically and mentally hurt me and I can't trust you anymore. Im leaving and I don't want to ever see you again. ' I blocked remus on everything I possibly could and left the apartment. I was a mess my hair was still wet, I had so many hickeys scattered on my neck, my eyes and face we're red and puffy from crying.. I honestly still was, Im a shaking mess, and just so much more like my legs shaking. I felt my trust for people hit a negative and i didn't want to tell anyone because I was scared.

As I walked outside I noticed a male taller than remus looked at me. He probably noticed me looking horrible and he walked towards me. I probably looked like a scared puppy because I was backing up until my back hit a wall. My heart was pounding like crazy

Authors Note!

This is my first ever fanfiction! It's probably shit, but constructive criticism would be very much encouraged!

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