Chapter 1: the night blood child

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After nuclear bombs made the earth unsurvivable, the group of people who couldn't make it into the surviving programs, stayed on the ground dividing into 12 sections.
Becca Franko, a scientist who was working on a solution to live on the ground, came up with something called night blood. 97 years later, the people on the ground often had genetic changes which made a small amount of night bloods every year. The night blood had to leave their homes to become the leaders of the 12 clans.

It had been years since the last Time Trikru had a commander. So everyone was excited when they heard about a night blood being born. Her father was killed by an acid fog 2 Months before she was born. "em tagon ste Leksa (her name is Lexa)" her mother said giving Lexa to a 12 year old girl who was her second. Anya.

When Lexa was 4, she started training with Anya. Anya and Lexa became good friends.

After some time, Lexa was called to train with the other night bloods. Normally the night bloods didn't spend that much time together. Cause they would have to kill each other in the end. But Lexa started to become friends with one Natblida. Luna Kom FlouKru. They trained together. Luna was the only Natblida who was a challenge for Lexa. She was the only person Lexa liked and feared at the same time. Lexa and Luna slept in the same tent. They did everything together.

When Lexa was 11, One day Lexa's Mother stood as guard and never came back. She was killed by Something the grounders had not seen before. they brought her in the village and Lexa got there after she was gone. Anya was beside Lexa as she took a torch and set the body of her mother on fire. "yu gonplei ste udon (your fight is over)" Lexa said.

Lexa was so special and everyone knew that. She was a visionary. She saw things and thought about things that no one imagined. Lexa trained harder after her mom was gone. a part of her soul was aching but she pushed through and became Anya's second when she was 12.

The commander died in a battle with another clan and the horns were blown. A day before the conclave, Lexa knew she could lose because Luna was always better at fighting and Lexa knew that. In grounder culture, you had to fight better to be respected. The night before the conclave and ascension day, the night bloods were put into rooms of 2.

Luna and Lexa were in the same room. They couldn't sleep because they knew one of them would die by the hand of the other one.

Luna turned around and said "what would you do if you became the commander??"

Lexa opened her eyes calmly and said "I don't like imagining things before they happen"

Luna sighed "please. I need to hear you say something"

"I want to unite the clans. Stop war. Make peace between all the clans"

Luna looked at lexa and turned around. "gon daun ena (fight well) Lexa"

Lexa closed her eyes "rashop Luna" (good night Luna)

The day had come. people were gathering in polis to see the conclave. Lexa spent the whole morning alone. She didn't want to see her friends before killing them or being killed by them. Anya put her war paint on. "you look strong as you really are Lexa. I want to bow to you tomorrow" she pulled her arm out and lexa grabbed her forearm and hugged her. "thank you Anya. May we meet again. "

The conclave wasn't so hard for Lexa. She had been training for 12 years by then. The only thing that was hard for her was fighting Luna. They were friends. One part of Lexa was screaming her emotions and the other part was fighting with her emotions. That was supposed to be their first lesson. To be commander was to be alone. She kept repeating that inside her head. The conclave started. Lexa chose a sword which she was so good with. Her strength was her fast movements. She killed 2 night bloods in the first moments. Luna killed 2 while running. The other 2 were killed by 2 arrows. and there were only 3 of 9 night bloods left at the end. Each had their own strategies. Luna was smart, Lexa was ruthless and the other was the best archer they had seen. Lexa was trying to find a way to kill the other night blood and she saw Luna. "go from behind we will surround him" she said and left. Lexa went from behind the archer and because she was TRIKRU she could go smoothly without being heard. She slid his throat with her sword. She came to the battle field because Luna's strength was narrow spaces. She stood in the middle so she could see everywhere. But suddenly the horn was blown. The fight was over.

Titus stood up "the conclave is over. Every natblida is dead. Lexa Kom Trikru. Heda ste Leksa nau (the commander is Lexa now) prepare for ascension"

Lexa was surprised. Where was Luna. Why didn't she fight. She ran to Titus. "what happened" she said worried. "that coward ran from fighting you. Please prepare for ascension"

They prepared for the ascension. She laid down on the bed. They made the tattoo on her back. Lexa closed her eyes before the final touch. The flame, spirit of the past commanders. She didn't belong to herself anymore. She was the commander of trikru. Soon she would be the commander of all 12 clans.

"ascende superius" the flame was in her head now. She started screaming. Anya was in the room and she couldn't look at her. after some hours, she finally was calm and opened her eyes.

"Ai Laik Lexa kom trikru. eir gon Becca pramheda. (I am Lexa of trikru. Heir to Becca the first commander.) she said and then said the name of every commander between Becca and herself.

"May the spirit of the past commanders lead you" Titus said and knelt to her

"Machof fleimkepa (thank you flame keeper)"

They helped her put on her commander armor and her head piece.

Well, that was the first chapter

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Well, that was the first chapter.

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