Chapter 22

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Song for this chapter: Aron Wrigh - You were supposed to be different

•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•Song for this chapter: Aron Wrigh - You were supposed to be different•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•

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There are moments in our life

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There are moments in our life... that, keep pushing us forward to follow our heart voice so we can be happy, even though the person who we've chosen to be with, its not the one.
On the other side we try hard to convince ourselves that he is, but we always have this strange feeling inside of us, that this is a fake happiness and that it will end one day or another and it will tear us down, but we just don't want to believe it.

So... this also happened to me again, the moment when I was never expecting it but this time it hurt so damn much more than when I lost my sister who hunts me in my dreams because I didn't save her, every time that I'm not close to him.

Until now I didn't know, or let's just say that,
I didn't want to believe that, the only person who I loved and trusted the most, my other half and my ultimate sin, healed me just so he can give me the final push to destroy my life forever.

...hhh, I guess two people with fucked up pasts and lives aren't mean to be together after all.

He shattered my life in pieces and then left me and for this, I swear that from now on even if one day our paths cross again I'll never mention his name again and that no one will ever see me crying over someone who doesn't deserve them.

-I told you, lil sis." I hear Emma's voice saying behind me while I'm still walking alone on the way to get to my dorm in the dark and cold night of this 20th November.

Wow... 20th November.
I didn't know that it has been such a long time since I first met him when I arrived at my dorm.
«Almost 2 months.» Two damn months since Harper and he walked in my room followed by others that changed my life completely.

That day, he was looking so damn hot and charming. Dressed up in black jeans, white shirt and a black leather jacket with some matching sneakers and he managed to piss me off since the first day and every other day when he came into my room saying that he was looking for Harper even though, I'm completely sure that he knew that she doesn't spend her afternoons in her dorm.
He just wanted to make me angry because he knew that I didn't like other people except Harper walking around in our room, and because I always reacted whenever he said something.

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