Chapter 19

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When we arrive at the hospital to check out my back the doctor says that it's nothing too serious and that I don't have any broken ribs but I need to use some medicines for my pain and that I need to massage my back every night for a week

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When we arrive at the hospital to check out my back the doctor says that it's nothing too serious and that I don't have any broken ribs but I need to use some medicines for my pain and that I need to massage my back every night for a week.
"And you can't lift weights until you finish your medicines Mr. White or you'll have a lot more pain than even medicines can't help you." He adds.

I know that this is bad because it fucking hurts a lot more than I told Mia, but I couldn't tell her the truth about my actual pain and make her feel bad because she was already feeling miserable about hurting me.
But now how I'm supposed to hug or kiss her if I can't lift her in my arms as she likes to be lifted.

"Okay, Mr.White I'll see you next week.
Don't forget to get your medicines." The doctor says, interrupting me from my thoughts.

"Okay, thank you very much doctor." I say as I close the door behind me and as soon as I get on the hall her beautiful emerald eyes meet mine.

"Babe, are you okay?" She asks concerned.

"Yeah baby, I'm okay don't worry." I reply as we both walk toward the parking lot.

When we arrive at my car, I open the door to climb into the driver's seat but she stops me.

"What?" I ask her, making eye contact.

"I'm driving tonight because you're not in condition too." She explains.

"What? Absolutely not!"

"Absolutely yes!" She says grabbing my hand to lead me to the passenger side.
"You'll stay here while I'm driving.
End of discussion."

"But babe..." I begin to speak but she puts her hand on my mouth.

"Shhhhh..., no but or...
You don't wanna know that." She whispers in my ear.

"Okay okay, fine you can drive." I finally say giving her my car keys.

She climbs in the car and starts driving.
"You're the devil, you know that don't you?"

"Is that so..." She says with a smirk playing on her full red lips.

"Yep, and I have a feeling that I'm going to suffer a lot because of you."

"I didn't ask you to fall in love with me and I didn't do anything for that." She says, smiling a little.

"Yeah you think soo but every time I saw you I found myself falling in love with everything that had to do with you.
-I loved the way you hold your pen between your teeth while you're focused on the professor.
-I loved the way you acted while you're thinking about the solution of a problem.
-I loved the way you rolled your eyes at me when I used to ask you questions.
I... I loved, and I love and I'll always love everything that has to do with you and I don't regret even a single second that I've spent with you, in fact, I regret every single second that I spent arguing with you and being without you."

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