Chapter 37

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Song for this chapter: Justin Burnett - the lake

•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•Song for this chapter: Justin Burnett - the lake•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•

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"Yo Damian you wouldn't believe what I'm going to tell you. I mean I always knew that he was that type of person but I never thought he would go back to his old habits that quick.
This is madness." I hear Domenic say to Damian while I was passing through his door.

Who is he talking about? Maybe he's talking about someone that I know.
Let's find out. I say as I hide behind Domenic's bedroom door to hear what they're saying.

"So as you know yesterday I was at this party because this girl I'm dating with was there."

"Yeah, you told me that before.
Soo?" Damian asks.

"The party where she was at was her friend's house and guess who that friend is."

"Ermm... I don't know. Someone's we know maybe?"

"Yep. And that someone is our sisters' ex-boyfriend.
Bryan." Domenic explains.

He was throwing a party at his house? Why?

"And you wanna know the best part? While I was making out with my girlfriend in one of the rooms he walked in with a girl in his arms and as I was leaving I heard him asking that girl if she was up for a threesome with a girl named Ivy or something.
Can you believe that?" Domenic says laughing a little making my heart sink.

No that's not possible. Bryan wouldn't do that, wouldn't he? I mean I thought he hated Ivy.
"Domenic is that true? You're not saying these things just to make me sad right?" I ask him as I open the door furiously.

"Why do you care? Go look after your dear perfect husband Armando." He says sarcastically as he lays on the bed next to Damian with his hands behind his head.

"Answer me damn it! I just asked you a simple question and you always find another topic to bring up into the conversation." I say angrily.

"Why are you yelling at the first time? You know that I'm saying the truth and you just don't want to admit it so you keep asking questions." He answers in a calm tone while he fixes the pillow under his head.

"You know what? You and he can go to hell! I'm tired of you anyway."

"Mia... I think you're overreacting a little bit, don't you think?" Damian says as he gets up.

"Overreacting!? I just asked him a simple question. He could just say yes or no!" I reply to him.

"Yes, Mia! You just asked him a question that you shouldn't even ask." He says and for a moment I realize that he's right.
They're right.
I don't have the right to ask questions about him anymore.

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