Chapter 8

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No, this thing it's not real, it can't be.
Calm down Mia!
He isn't really here. Why would he after all this time.
No no no, it's just my imagination, it's just my imagination.
While I'm trying to calm down and convince myself that he isn't really here, the person that now looks only like a bad memory in my life,  takes a step closer standing right in front of me.

"Mia, I didn't expected to see you here."

"Neither did I James." I respond with a low shaky voice looking at him shocked, like I've just seen a ghost.

"Long time no see right?
You have changed so much since our last meeting." He says getting closer to me every second.
New style to, hhhh?
I like it, but what's up with all those tattoos and piercings?

Here we go, another fucking prick who makes questions about my appearance.

Don't come any more closer, stay away from me
I don't want to see your face or even talk to you.
Why are you here? What do you want?"

Why did I come here? Why didn't I stayed in my dorm? Whyyy??

"Oh come on Mia, I've missed you so much."

"Missed me? Who are you to miss me, except from an asshole who abandoned my sister on the wedding day?"

"Yeah maybe I am but I couldn't get married with someone I didn't loved."

"Didn't loved, wft ?
What are you saying?
You proposed her to get married and you were the "whole world" for her.
She loved you with everything she had." I shout.

"Yeah I know that but I never loved her.
I was getting married with her just to stay close to you!"

And before he finishes his word I fall on the ground breathless after all those things I just heard.
This is to much for me to handle, I just can't stand it anymore.
Every time that I think that things are getting better, something even worse happens to me but I can't complain because I'm paying for all mistakes that I've done before and I know that I deserve everything.
But still I can't stand it anymore, I'm loosing my mind.
I want this to end or one day I'm going to kill someone.

"Mia get up, are you okay? Harper asks as she comes close and leans to help me to get up.

"Yeah I'm fine don't worry, but can you please leave us alone to talk for a moment?"

"Are you sure, who is he?"

"Yep I am sure."

"Okay then but if everything happens call me because we're all worried about you even Bryan is." She says as she turns around to walk away to our table where all of our group of friends are wasted except from Bryan who is still looking at me concerned, with his beautiful emerald eyes.

"Ohh? Okay. I shout from behind her looking at Bryan.

After she leaves I continue my conversation with James :

"-What did you just said ? I ask with my voice shaking after every word I say.

" I've loved you since the first day you came to that dancing class Mia but you're so focused on your school and dancing that you never noticed that no matter how many times I did everything just for you.
I tried to show you that I was in love you so many times but you didn't understand that and you always pushed me away so the only way that I could be with you, I mean close to you was marrying with Emma.

"Wow wow slow down, I don't give a shit about what you felt or what you feel about me not now not ever, okay?
In fact right now if I was the same person I was before I would hate you with all my heart after everything I just heard but since my sister died mostly because of you and me, I don't have one. So I hate you with everything that it's left you asswippe.
I never loved you and I never will!"

"Ohh come on Mia we both know that's not true. You cared about me every time that I messed up."

Okay now he is pissing me off.

"Yes I did that only because you're the most important person in the whole world for my sister you stupid asshole, not because I loved you." I shout then I see Bryan coming toward us.

"Hey Mia is everything okay?" Bryan asks.

"Yeah yeah baby I'm fine don't worry just give me a second then we can go." I say smiling at him.

"Okkay then, I'll wait you outside." He says then he turns around and walks to our table.

Thank thank god he played along with my lie.

"Who is he?" James says with an angry voice.

"It's none of your business.
Anyway I'm telling you that I hope this is our last meeting because if I'm going to see you one more time I'm going to make sure that it will be the last." I threaten him than I walk away.
When I'm finally outside I close my eyes and breathe heavily.

"Hey are you okay?"

When I open my eyes I see Bryan staying in front of me.
"Yeah yeah I'm fine thanks but where is everybody?"

"They all were wasted so they went home with Liam."

"Okay. Are you going to send me to my dorm because I don't want to see any other unexpected person for tonight or ..."

"Yeah of course jump in "

When I climb in the car I see James behind looking at us.
"Let's go before he begins to follow us."

"Okay but seriously why are you so concerned?
Is he your ex?" he asks while driving.

Fuck noo. He is nothing to me." I shout.

"Wow calm down "Eminem" I just asked."


"You don't know him?"He asks.

"Yes of course I know him but why did you called me like that."

"You know, because you keep cursing and shouting at the same time." He says chuckling.

"I guess that's true." I say smiling a little then we both burst into laughter.



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