Chapter 35

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Song for this chapter: Rauf/Faik - Sunset & down

•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•Song for this chapter: Rauf/Faik - Sunset & down•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•

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Today is my wedding day and outside is raining quietly.
Small raindrops collide behind the window glass leaving some small dots that look that crystals.
Hhh... How strange. Even the sky is crying for me.
I step away from the window then I lay in my bed again but this time with my EarPods on listening to music trying to distract myself from everything around me but all I can hear is his voice ringing in my ears.
And those cologne-based pheromones he used to wear that are wafting up to my nose from the black shirt he left here in my room that night he came that until now I didn't know that that was going to be the last time I was going to hug him and now.... all I'm left with is his shirt and I'm hugging it like some sick person just so I can feel him close to me but that doesn't change anything.
He's not here and I don't think he'll ever be from now on.

God... I made a mistake watching our photos together with the song of «Rauf/Faik / sunset and down» because now I'm remembering the way things used to be. Not just how he used to give me butterflies every time he touched me but the way things had been before I had to break up with him.

I hate myself for what I did to him but I really didn't have a choice but remembering his look when Armando told him that he was my fiancé it's just... fuck!
Even if one day we'll be together I'll never forget that look and neither will he.

He looked, different. Not like he was jealous or something but like he was discussed by me and that hurts me even more.

I rolled over and buried my face in my pillow. I didn't want to cry but I can't control these tears that are rolling down from my eyes without my permission. I want to feel nothing because it's a lot easier when you don't feel anything but I was so, so sick of trying to forget him but without success. At least, before I didn't have a reason but now I have to. The worst had happened and there was no bringing back the past. Now I was only worried about the future. My child's future.

"Mia! Mia wake up!" I hear my mom calling from outside before she opens the door.

"Oh, you're awake. Come on you have to start to get ready or did you forget that it's your wedding today." She says smiling.

"Are you fucking kidding me? How can you be so happy that I'm getting married with someone that I don't love and that I barely know?" I ask her as I get up from the bed.

"We talked about this Mia. It's better this way and we both know it." She answers.

"Really? For who? Because I can assure you that it's not for me."

"Don't make me repeat the same words again! You should be grateful that I'm allowing you to keep his baby." She yells.

"His baby? Don't forget that this baby it's not just Bryan's baby. It's my baby too and if you ever think to hurt him I swear to you that I'll kill myself after I tell everybody the truth why I broke up with Bryan and we both know that Damian will never forget you." I say and for a moment she just looks at me then turns around and starts walking away.

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