Chapter 27

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Song for this chapter: James Arthur - Train wreck

•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•Song for this chapter: James Arthur - Train wreck •~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•

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Is life really these short? Do we really die, and does everyone goes to heaven?

In some books I've read that only good people go there but other people, where do they go?

I'm not a good person.
I think I never was but I always wanted to change. I always wanted to be good for my father. To be the daughter he always dreamed to have. To make him proud, but there was always something that pushed me to ruin everything since Emma died. I mean, I shouldn't blame her because it's my fault that I couldn't do that but blaming someone else for our own mistakes always seems the easiest way.
No matter who we blame for our mistakes we will always know that it's our fault and everything that happens to us happens for a reason that we're responsible for but not all the reasons are good.
Some may say that our fate is written the stars but that doesn't mean that we can't do anything to change it.
I couldn't create a better fate for myself because all I do is ruin things but at least I think I tried...

I couldn't create a better fate for myself because all I do is ruin things but at least I think I tried

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"Aghhh!" I wake up screaming and a few seconds later my phone rings.
It's Harper.

"Hey. Sorry that I forgot to tell you that we found Mia but things got messed up and I couldn't come to tell you and I couldn't use my phone either but anyway she's safe now. But you couldn't believe if I told you that I just saw the worst nightmare ever. I saw Mia..."

"Bryan!" She shouts with a sobbing voice.
"You need to come here immediately."

"Wha... what? What's wrong?" I ask her with a shaky voice.

"Mia..." She says crying heavily.

"Mia what? What's going on Harper?"

"Mia jumped from the balcony of her house."

"What?! What do you mean by jumping?
You're joking, right?" I ask her and she just continues crying.

"Answer to me Harper!"

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