Chapter 34

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Song for this chapter: Lolo Zouaï - Desert 🥀

•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•Song for this chapter: Lolo Zouaï - Desert 🥀 •~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•

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Always and Forever... always and forever, no matter what.
Bryan! Come back to me!
I love you...

"Mr. White? Mr. White can you hear me?"  I hear someone say, distracting me from my dream as I slowly open my eyes.
I feel weak and every part of my body hurts.

"Welcome back Mr. White. How are you feeling?" The doctor says to me when I finally realize that I'm in the hospital.

"Like hell.
How long have I been here?" I ask him as I try to move my body a little.

"You've been here for almost two weeks." The doctor replies.

"That's a really long time."

"For a person at your condition... I'm surprised that you're still alive. That you returned to life after your heart stopped beating.
I haven't experienced something like that in years." The doctor explains.

"Thank you very much doctor for saving my life." I say to him.

"Oh please... don't thank me. You should thank the young lady that brought you back to life again after we all gave up.
She fought very hard for you to get back.
I've never seen someone like her. She must love you very much." The doctor says as if it was a secret.

"Is she still here? Is Mia here? Where is she?" I ask the doctor excited while I try to get off of the bed to go outside to surprise her.
However, the doctor stops me because I'm to weak to go outside. I can't walk.

"Actually, the young lady is no longer here I'm afraid. 
I think she had an emergency or something." The doctor answers.

"Please doctor, I have to know where she is.
I need to see her."

"I'm sorry Mr. White. She hasn't come back to see you since that day you came to the hospital." The doctor explains.

"What do you mean she hasn't been here since that day?" I ask the doctor.
This can't be happening.

"Mr. White... the only thing I know is that someone was waiting for her outside the whole time she was here and that she left a letter for you at the secretary. That's all."

This just doesn't make sense. Why would she leave me a letter?
She wouldn't leave me like that.
No, she wouldn't do that to me.
It doesn't make sense but maybe she has explained something in the letter.

"Dr. Jackson?"

"Yes, Mr. White?"

"I would like to have the letter the young lady left for me and all my private stuff please." I say to the doctor.

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