Chapter 26

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Song for this chapter: Plumb- Cut

"James!" I say as he slowly enters inside opening the balcony curtains.

"You thought that I'll let you go so easily now that I finally got used having you close to me." He says with a low voice.
"Huh Mia?"

"Wha... what are you doing here? How did you get in?"

"No one can stop me if I want to be close to you. Even your brothers can't." He says as he slowly comes towards me.

"Get out before my brothers find you here or they're going to kill you.
Or else I'll just kill you myself."

"Ohh please... I'm not afraid of anyone. Not from your brothers or even your boyfriend. Sorry I mean your ex boyfriend. How is he by the way I've heard he has found a new girlfriend and he's back to his old habits." He says with a smirk.

"What are you talking about? What old habits?"

"Ohh, he didn't tell you?"

"He didn't tell me what?"

"That he's back drinking, being high, fucking new girls every night and transportation."

"Transporting what? What are you talking about?" I ask him.

"Don't play dumb with me Mia. I think you already know that answer."

"You are lying! He would never do that." I snap.

"If telling lies to yourself makes you feel better, then keep saying them but we both know that deep down you know that I'm telling you the truth."

"Enough! I don't want to hear anything else from you." I shout to him hoping that he will stop talking things that can't be true about him.
I know that he would never transport drugs and fuck a new girl every night. He cheated on me once but he was drunk. He wouldn't do that again to me right?

"I mean what's so special about him huh? He's just a fucked up person that doesn't care about anyone." He says with an angry voice.

"That's none of your business."

"I mean why would he want to stay with you if you don't want to have sex with him?" He says and I look away.

"Wait... don't fucking tell me that he has fucked you already.
How can you let that happen! You were supposed to be only mine." He shouts grabbing both of my arms, hard.

"I loved you Mia! I loved you from the first day I saw you and I waited for you to love me too but you didn't.
Why? What does he have special that I don't?
Hhh Mia?
Tell me what can I do for you to believe that I love you more than everything in this world."

"Can you bring me my sister back?
Huh James?" I ask him with a sobbing voice.

"I loved you James but not in that way you thought. I loved you like my sisters fiancé. Like a brother and I'm sorry! I'm really sorry that you thought that I was giving you signals or something."

"Yes you gave me wrong signals and now you don't even try a little bit to love me as much as you love him."

For the fuck sake! Why don't you understand that we can't control who we love and who we don't. I can't just flip a switch and love you instead of Bryan.
I can't do that!"

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