Chapter 3 "College"

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After 5 hours driving, we finally arrive at the campus and my mom calls me to wake up.

"Mia, wake up honey, we're here." She says with a sweet voice.

I open my eyes and get out of the car in a lazy way and look around to see this shitty place that it's going to be my home.

"Do you like it?" Mom asks.

"Don't know. I don't care." I say in a low voice.

"Miaa, why do you act like this? Why do you say things like this." She asks.

"Whattt?" I snap.

"I didn't want to be here, remember.
I still don't but I need to stay away from everyone for a while anyway. So I think, I'm okay with this thing, for now."

And before she says another thing I get out of the car and walk into the campus building carrying my suitcases with me just to avoid further conversation with her.

It was a really long day. A big fucking LONG DAY. All I wanted to do was to just lay on a bed and sleep. But instead here I am, standing in front of my room and looking at my suitcases.
I put all my stuff down then I slowly open my rooms door and step inside carrying my luggage inside.

The new room looks almost like my old bedroom except smaller and has two small beds. I carry my suitcases to the side then I chose the bed near to the window and set my things there then I lay down on the bed and closed my eyes to rest a few minutes before I start unpacking my stuff but before I could get comfortable the door opens and mom steps inside. She doesn't say anything just comes near my bed and gives me a little kiss on my forehead then she turns around and before she closes the door she says in a low shaky voice:

"I love you Mia and I always will." She closes the door with a soft click and leaves without turning her head back.

I didn't expect her to leave so soon and without saying anything else other than I love you after our argument earlier but now that I'm thinking about it, I'm glad that she left before I could say something bad to hurt her.
Mom always knows how to push me to my edge and as much as I try not to show my feelings to other people, she always says something that she thinks that it's not hurting me without knowing that she actually is.
I'm not sure if I have any right to complain about her because after all, she does this to me even though she knows that my reaction hurts her more but that's beside the point.
She is my mother after all.

I turn on the other side of the bed waiting for my mind to clear up and take the thoughts off my head and I end up falling asleep.


When I woke up the sun was shining through the window. It was morning already. The only light coming from the curtains. The clock told me that I slept until 4pm so I got up to change myself into comfier clothes then I start unpacking my things and putting everything in its place so I can lay down again. When I finally finish everything I grab my favorite book and then I lay down.
My head rested over the edge of my bed while I laid there reading «After We Collided » by Anna Tood.
The first book it's actually a pretty good book except from the fact that Hardin one of the main characters destroys Tessa's dreams when she finds out about the bet.
But then the story gets really interesting. It's full of love and romance which reminds me of how I've never loved someone like Tessa does but I don't want to anyway. Love is just for fools. It's not a real thing.
As I'm still reading I hear some voices approaching close to the door of my room . So I decided to listen more intently to what they are saying.
"Shut up Bryan! I'm sure my roommate is good looking and cool." One of the girls says.

"Yeah right. She probably is some kind of wirdo because who comes to college one day before school starts anyway?" One of the boys says laughing.

"Duh... asshole." I say in a low voice rolling my eyes and a few seconds later the bedroom door clicks open and a girl with dark hair, brown eyes and a cute smile comes into view followed by another elegant tall girl with red hair and two boys.

"Oh my god. You're my roommate. Mia right?" She asks excitedly.

I nod, "Yep. I'll be your roomie.
And you must be..." I pause as I realize that I don't know her name.

"Harper! I'm Harper Smith." She says.
"And these are.."

"Oh I don't care who they are as long as they don't deal with my stuff. I'm just a wirdo after all." I say with a fake smile as I sit at the edge of the bed.

"Feisty." The guy next to Harper who I suppose is Bryan says smirking.

"Did someone asked for your opinion?" I ask smirking too as I roll my eyes at him.
He doesn't say anything just laughs quietly.

"Sorry about my cousin Mia. He tends to be a jerk sometimes." She says smiling.

I'm surprised that she's not mad at me for talking to her cousin like that, not that I care about her opinion anyways.
I shake my head, "It's fine.
Then turns around to her friends and says something that I didn't quite understand what. After that they leave the room saying goodbye, except from the tattooed boy Bryan who I argued before.
"Nice Book kitty. To bad it's all lies." He says chuckling and walks out closing the door behind him.
He's annoying but something about him
intrigues me and how does he know about the book anyway? He doesn't look like someone who reads books. I mean just by his appearance you can understand that he doesn't even know what a book is. But I must say that he's good looking.
His black hair is styled perfectly and his face shows no sign of worry or fear.
He has dark brown eyes and he's also has a good body shape. He might be a football player or something that also explains why he was wearing sweatpants and a white hoodie.

"Mia?" Harper says interrupting my train of thoughts.

"Huh... I'm sorry I was thinking and I didn't realize you were talking to me." I say while I tuck my hair behind my ears.

"It's alright." She replies laughing lightly.
"I was just asking you some questions to know you a little more since we're roommates now."

"So, where are you from? What do you study? Where do you live? How old are you? Why did she choose to study at WSU? Do you have any siblings?" She asks quickly.

I just chuckle, "Slow down a little Harper." I say trying hard not to laugh.

"Right.. Sorry. I'm sorry.." Harper says blushing slightly.
"No problem. And yeah, I'm nineteen and I have two older brothers who live in New York. I study architecture. I'm from Los Angeles and we used to live there until last year but now we live in Seattle." I reply still trying not to laugh
"Where?" Harper asks curious.

"Seattle." I answer and she smiles.

"That's a really nice city." She says with a smile.

"Yep... now your turn." I say.

"Okay. So I live in New Jersey but I'm actually from New York. I'm also 19 years old and I study economics. I don't have any siblings." She says nervously.
"But I have Bryan. He's like an older brother to me." She adds.

"Older brother? How old is he?" I ask trying to hide the curiosity showing up on my face.
"He's 22 actually and he's also from New York." She answers.

"Cool." I reply reply simply then we both stay quiet for awhile.
I didn't want to dive into this new rommie situation but I just couldn't help it because Harper has this innocent angelic face that ever time you see it you feel like you can trust her and that you can share everything with her. And somehow the way she looks at everyone seems like she cares so much about everybody and that she would do anything just to make their life better.

 And somehow the way she looks at everyone seems like she cares so much about everybody and that she would do anything just to make their life better

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