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"Ace! Give me back my book, you idiot!" Jayce looked at me and I sighed as I walk down the stairs with Jayce behind me. I came to a stop when I saw Jenny, standing on her toes to get her book from Ace. I shook my head and said, "Ace. Give your sister her book back" Ace ignored me and I sighed.

"Ace! Listen to your mother or I'll take your car away" Jayce ordered and Ace sighed in defeat before giving Jenny her book back. "Apologise to your sister" I told Ace and he did as I told him to do. I turn my head to look at Jayce and smiled seeing Jayce holding our little girl, Lorelei. She have a mix of Jayce's and my eyes. Her skin are pale, just like me.

I walked over to Jayce and caressed my daughter's cheek lovingly. Jayce kissed my forehead and said, "Would you like a new one?" He winked at me and I smacked him playfully. "Really, honey. You could say that in front of your children?" I said and crossed my arm as I looked at him. He smirked at me and I shook my head at him.

"Ace!" Jenny yelled and I walked over to the direction of the voice. "These children are giving me a headache" Jayce whispered and I said, "They're our children anyways and both of us know that we love them" Jayce nodded his head and I turned my attention towards Ace and Jenny. "I can be with whoever I want and you can't be a jerk to just scare them off like that!" Jenny yelled and Ace said, "Shut up, Jenny! You don't even know he's good or not!"

I cleared my throat and they stopped fighting as they looked at me. "What is it that you're fighting about now?" I asked and Ace said, "Jenny is dating a random guy from one of her class" I sighed and Jayce gave me our daughter, Lorelei. "I'll take care of them" Jayce whispered and gave me a quick peck on the lips. I walked away and heard a knock from the door. I opened the door to see Blake and his mate, Anthea.

I smiled at them and Blake asked, "Where's your husband?" I told him that Jayce is dealing with the children at the moment and Blake nodded his head. "How's our little niece doing?" Anthea asked and I chuckled. Anthea asked if she could hold Lorelei and I nodded as I gave her my daughter. Blake looked at Anthea, lovingly and I told them to come in. They walked in and sat on the sofa.

"What's up?" I asked and Blake said, "Anthea wanted to see your children and I came here to discuss something with Jayce" I nodded my head and Jayce came with Ace and Jenny followed behind. Jayce sat beside me and Jenny shouted, "Thea! You're here" She walked towards Anthea and sat beside Anthea. "Ace. Haven't seen you in a while" Blake greeted and Ace just shrugged as he took a seat across from me and Jayce.

Jayce raised an eyebrow at Ace and Ace sighed as he took out his phone. "We should talk somewhere private" Blake said and Jayce nodded his head. Jayce stood from the sofa and grabbed my hand. I stood and let Jayce pulled me towards his personal office in our mansion with Blake following us from behind. Jayce took a seat on his office chair and pulled me to sit on his lap. "Seriously Jayce?" I asked and he shrugged.

Blake chuckled at my expression and took a seat on the chair in front of Jayce's desk.


"Your children are lovely. Did you know that?" Anthea asked and I chuckled before saying, "I know but they can be a pain in the ass sometimes. They're a lot to handle" Anthea laughed and put the food that we cooked on the dining table. We planned to celebrate Jenny's birthday together and Jenny didn't know. She thought that we were just having family dinner and I wanted it to stay that away so we could surprise her.

I baked a red velvet cake for Jenny since it was her favourite and the Anthea couldn't wait to taste it. We even baked cookies with frosting on it and set it on the table. Everything was set and I decided to get ready. I walked towards my room and saw Jayce, holding a sleeping Lorelei. Jayce looked up and I smiled at him.

"Everything is set?" Jayce asked and I nodded my head at him. "I'm going to take a quick shower and get ready" I told Jayce and he nodded his head. After taking a shower, I fed Lorelei and Jayce took a shower. Lorelei looked up at me and I smiled. Her little hand touched my cheek and I said, "I love you, sweetheart" Lorelei giggled and Jayce wrapped his arm around me. "She's going to be beautiful. Just like you" Jayce said and I chuckled.

"Ace is handsome just like his father. You know that?" I asked and he laughed before kissing the side of my head. "Let's go. They're waiting for us" I nodded my head and walked down the stairs with Jayce beside me. We came to a stop at the dining room and I saw my parents, talking to Ace and Jenny. Madison looked at me and smiled as she walked over to me. "Hello honey. How are you?" Madison asked and I told her I was fine.

Madison looked down at Lorelei and Jayden appeared beside Madison. "Amelia, Jayce" Jayden greeted and I nodded my head at him. "How's my little granddaughter doing?" Madison asked Lorelei and Lorelei giggled. "Jayce, Amy" Someone called out and I turned my head to look at the direction of the voice to see Blake. "Jayce and I have something to do at the moment. Can you look after Lorelei for me, mom?" I asked Madison and she nodded as she took Lorelei from me.

Jayce and I walked towards Blake and he gestured us to follow him. We followed him outside and we came to a stop in front of Anthea. "They'll be here in just a few minutes" Blake told us and Jayce nodded his head. I looked around saw Vanessa and Hunter, walking towards us with their son who's about the same age as Jenny. Vanessa hugged me and I asked if she was excited to see her parents. She said yes and I smiled at her.

"They're here" Blake informed us and we stood in line. "Vanessa, Amelia" Rosalie called our name and she hugged the both of us. "Where's Katelyn?" Vanessa asked and Rosalie told us that Katelyn could not come. We nodded our head and Madilyn came. "How are you both doing?" Madilyn asked and we told her we were doing fine. We invited them inside and told them to have a seat around the dining table.

Jenny came towards me and said, "Mommy. I want a new book to read" I looked at her and said, "I'll make sure to tell your dad to install a bookshelf in your room and I'll fill it with novels okay?" Jenny nodded her head, smiling and hugged me as she thanked me. Jenny liked to read novels, just like me and Ace is just like his father. Playboy. I sighed and told Jenny to take a seat. She did as I said and I decided to sit beside Jayce.

"So, now that everyone's here, we're going to start the event for the night" Jayce told everyone and I stood from my seat to go to the kitchen. I took the cake that was on the counter and walked towards the dining. Everyone started to sing the birthday song for Jenny and Jenny gasped in surprise. I smiled at her and told her to come over. She did and when everyone was done, I told her to make a wish and blow the candle.

"Thank you mommy" Jenny thanked me and I set the cake on a small table. I hugged Jenny and afterwards, we decided to eat dinner together. After dinner, everyone gave Jenny her gifts and I smiled at the scene. Jayce wrapped his arm around my waist and kissed the top of my head. "Our daughter is beautiful in that dress you gave her" Jayce whispered and I chuckled. Ace walked towards Jenny and gave Jenny a small dark blue box.

Jenny opened it to reveal a beautiful necklace and bracelet that have a butterfly charm on it. Jenny smiled and hugged her brother. Jayce and I walked towards them and Ace pulled away. We gestured Jenny to follow us towards her room and Jenny gasped before hugging the both of us. "Thank you, mommy and daddy" Jenny said and I hugged her back. Jayce and I decided to make the empty room that was built along with her room into a reading area and we bought her a bunch of novels she could read that was arranged neatly on the bookshelves.

We walked downstairs and Anthea shouted, "Family picture!" Anthea dragged us to the couch and told us to take a seat. Ace sat beside Jayce while Jenny sat beside me and Lorelei was in between Jayce and I. We supported her on the back so that she didn't fall and Anthea said, "Perfect!" Jenny hugged my arm and Anthea said, "Smile!"


[A/N] Okay, that's the end of The Mystical Wolf. Thank you for stopping by and read The Mystical Wolf.

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