Chapter 36

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"What happened to you, Amelia?! You used to be kind" Jayce scolded and I said, "What do you mean, Jayce?! I didn't do anything!" He snickered and looked at me in disgust. "What do I mean? What do I mean?! Well you pushed Bethany! Why is that?!" Jayce yelled and I shook my head.

He glared at me and told me how disappointed he was in me. "Never thought that I will be mated to a girl who would hurt innocent people" He said and my mouth hung open. Was he for real? Yes, he was. Just by how he looked at me, I can already tell how disgusted he was in me. "Pack your clothes and move out of my room. I don't want someone like you here"

I groaned in frustration when a flashback of me and Jayce talking came in mind. Stupid stone headed of a mate. I put my face in my hands as I tried to calm myself. I heard someone came to sit beside me and I just ignored them. "Hello there little sister. Haven't seen you in a while" Blake said and I hummed in respond.

He sighed and said, "You know that I will always be here for you right? Tell me what's wrong" I closed my eyes as I debated with myself whether to tell him or not. He waited patiently and I really appreciate it that he didn't force me into telling. I looked up and let out a shaky breath. I could see Blake looking at me from the edge of my sight and I told him from when Bethany threatened me in the garden til last night.

"Are you sure that's Bethany?" Blake asked when I finished and I narrowed my eyes at him. He really think I would lie about something like this? He seems to understand and said, "It's just that, Bethany used to be a sweet person and she was my bestfriend. I kind of had a crush on her but that was the past. She would always choose Jayce over me"

He smiled a small smile and he continued, "She seem to change after she disappeared. I never thought she'd capable of doing that. Threatening and stuff. Jayce is really blind to even think that you'd do that" I looked away and sighed at the thought of Jayce. I didn't do anything and there he was, disgusted at me. I grabbed a fistful of my hair and groaned.

"Hey, don't do that. Talk to him" Blake said and I shook my head, no. How can I face someone who doesn't want me? Blake wrapped his arm on my shoulder and convinced me to talk to Jayce. He told me that he will be there when everything goes wrong and I nodded my head. We headed to Jayce's office and I knocked the door. No answer.

I decided to knock and opened the door to see Bethany, standing beside Jayce. Her hands were all over him. Jayce didn't seem to mind as he did his work. Blake cleared his throat and both of them turned their attention to us. Jayce narrowed his eyes at me and Blake held his arm in front of me, protectively. "Bethany" Blake greeted and she nodded her head at him.

Blake looked at me and nodded his head, gesturing me to walk towards Jayce together. I gave him a quick smile and walked towards Jayce. We sat on the chair in front of his desk and Jayce looked at Blake questioningly. "I came here to accompany my sister" Blake told him and Blake gave my hand a gentle squueze.

"I wanted to talk about something. Something I didn't get to say last night" I said and he stared at me. "Everything Bethany told you was a lie and I didn't threatened her. You could ask Erick if you don't believe me because he heard everything" I told him and he didn't say a single thing. Bethany flashed me a smirk and I took a deep breath to keep myself from lunging for her.

"I did. I did heard everything in the garden" Erick came into the office and stood beside me. "Bethany was the one who threatened Amelia. She told Amelia to stay away from you. So Amelia voiced her opinions" Erick explained and Jayce just looked at me. His eyes never left mine and I felt small under his look. Blake narrowed his eyes and slammed his hand on the desk.

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