Chapter 29

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Amelia had been sitting in Jayce and her room for a week after two months of torture from Jayce. She wouldn't talk to anyone, even to Jayce. Everyone from the Crescent Moon Pack convinced her to eat but she wouldn't listen. They talked to her but she wouldn't respond to any of them. She cried, scream and hurt herself everyday. She's been stressing out because of how Jayce treated her for about two months already. Jayce broke her heart, hurt her and blame her for the lost of his beloved sister, Leah.

Leah died after Amelia got the horrible gift on her birthday. She was killed by the person who sent the gift and he or she left her body nearby the Crescent Moon Pack border line. On the other hand, Jayce had been staying in his office doing his work and his office turned out to be a whole lot mess. He would throw anything nearby him to the side of the room and broke it. Therefore, Blake was incharge to take care of the pack.

"Beta Blake, we went to visit Luna Amelia in her room and she locked herself inside the bathroom" Alexia told Blake and he sighed. He ran his hand through his hair in frustration and asked, "Have you told her to eat?" Alexia nodded her head, yes and Blake stood as he nodded at her. He dismissed her and decided to check on Amelia. As soon as he arrived infront of Amelia's room, he took a deep breath and knocked the door before walking in. He scanned the room and smelt a metallic kind of smell.

His eyes grew open and turned his head towards the bathroom door. He knocked on the door and screamed Amelia's name. No answer. He repeated the same thing but there's still no answer. He stopped when he heard someone crying inside the bathroom and decided to say, "Amelia, please, open the door" Amelia didn't answer, instead, she cried even more. Blake pushed the door open and saw Amelia in the corner, crying. He walked towards Amelia, slowly and crouched besides her.

Amelia lift her head, to look at Blake and Blake smiled, reassuringly. Amelia looked away and Blake sighed. "Amelia, come on. Let's get you out of here" Blake said and pulled Amelia's hand, gently. He gasped as soon as he saw Amelia's arm and said, "You cut yourself?! Since when?! Why are there lots of bruises on your arm?! Did he hurt you?" Blake was angry and Amelia shook her head as she pulled her hand away from Blake. He sighed and felt bad for screaming at Amelia. "I'm sorry. Come on now" He said and helped Amelia to her bed.

Vanessa came in with a tray of food and Blake took it from her as he thanked her. Vanessa bow at them before she walked out of the room and Blake took a chair to sit beside Amelia's bed. He thrust the spoon towards Amelia's mouth but she kept it shut. "Amelia, please" Blake said and Amelia shook her head. 'I'm going to kill you, Jayce' He thought and clutch his jaw shut. He put the tray down as soon as Vanessa came with a bowl of water and towel.

"Clean the cuts on her arm" Blake ordered and Vanessa nodded her head. He stood from his seat and kissed Amelia's forehead. "Please take care of yourself, sis" He said to Amelia and walked out of the room. Vanessa took a seat and tried her best to hold her tears. She was sad that her bestfriend who she thought as her own sister was in a bad condition. She took Amelia's arm gently and managed to say, "You know, Amy. I'm worried. Everyone here, in the pack are worried about you"

Amelia looked at her as she cleaned Amelia's arm and Vanessa said, "Please Amelia. Just talk to everyone and take care of yourself" Amelia looked away and tears left her eyes. She felt miserable when she realised that everyone in the pack tried to make her eat and talk. She haven't talk to anyone yet. She had been staying in her room, crying, hurting and depressed. Everyone tried to cheer her up but it just wouldn't work.

She couldn't stop thinking about Jayce as she thought of herself. She was angry that Jayce hurt her but at the same time, she was angry for causing Leah in danger. Leah don't deserve to die. Amelia thought that she was supposed to be in Leah's position and she clenched her fist. Amelia wiped her tears away and said, "Sorry that I've been acting like this for soo long and make you guys worried"

Vanessa looked at Amelia in shocked and she felt relieved that Amelia finally talk. Amelia turned her face towards Vanessa and smiled. "You can go now, Nessa. I don't want to trouble you" Amelia said politely and Vanessa shook her head as she smiled. "I'm fine, Amy. Now eat this food I brought and have some rest" Vanessa said and Amelia sighed before nodding her head. Hunter came in and bowed at Amelia, showing respect to his Luna.

Hunter stood behind Vanessa and put his hand on Vanessa's shoulder as he asked, "How are you doing Luna?" Amelia told him that she was fine and Hunter nodded. He was worried for his Luna, Amelia. He cared for his Luna and he was afraid of his Alpha and Luna's relationship turn out to be a mess. He love his dear ruler and the pack. He don't want anything bad happen to them. Vanessa, on the other hand is pregnant of Hunter's child and she wouldn't listen to his mate.

Hunter told her to have some rest but she would argue with him. Therefore, Hunter let her do what she want but kept his eyes on her, just to make sure she's safe. Vanessa didn't notice that and Hunter felt relieved because if she knew, she would argue to not do that. Hunter don't want that so he sneakily kept his eyes on her, not wanting her to know.

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