Chapter 15

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I woke up, laying on the cold, hard floor in a dark room and my head was aching. I sat up from the floor and studied the room. The room was filled with the smell of bloods and an awful scent. I gasped when I heard the door slammed open and I heard someone screaming as she were dragged by a muscular guy to the cell infront of me.

The muscular guy then threw her inside the cell before he locked her. He turned around to look at me and he smirked at me. "I'm glad that you're finally awake! I just want to tell you to prepare yourself because it's your turn after this" he said, coldly and I growled at him, warningly.

He shot me a look and laughed evilly as he left the room, closing the door shut. I looked at the woman who was dragged in and gasped when I saw lots of bruises on her. I stood as I walked towards the cell door and she said, "I believe that you're not supposed to get near that cell door and bars. It's silver"

I stopped and looked at her, confused. She looked weak, exhausted and in so much pain. "Where are we?" I asked and she answered, "It's not like I know where we are. This place are awful and one of the people here, died yesterday from all the tortures" I gasped and stood there, frozen from hearing that someone died, yesterday.

Why is she telling me all of this? I thought that the people who got kidnapped or prisoned won't talk to the other people. I opened my mouth to say something but then I closed my mouth when I heard heavy footsteps coming from outside of the room. I gasped and quickly search for the necklace my father gave me.

I sigh in relief when I found out that I still have the necklace. I rush back to where I was before the door slammed open and the muscular guy came towards the cell where I'm in or should I say, my cell. "It's your turn, little wolf" he said and I screamed, "No! I am not going anywhere with a stranger like you!"

His expression changed from expressionless to anger as he unlocked the door and rush towards me. He lifted his hand, ready to hit me and I closed my eyes, waiting to get hit but it never came. I opened my eyes, slowly and saw another guy standing beside the muscular guy. He glared at me and said, "I'm Raven and this is Brandon"

Wow, just wow. Why is he introducing himself to his prisoner? Raven turned his face towards the muscular guy, Brandon and nodded. I looked at them, confused and they blindfolded me. In a second, I was lift up from the ground and I heard the door slammed shut.

After a few minute, I was placed on a uncomfortable chair and they tied me with the chair. They unblindfolded me and I waited for my eyes to adjust with the bright light before I studied the room. There's no window and there's lots of weapon like knives, axe, bat, silver scalpel.

My heartbeat rate increased and I couldn't breath properly because of the fear inside of me. Raven was in the room with a woman and Brandon was no where to be seen. Raven and the girl came towards me and Raven lean down as he run his finger across my face. I pulled away and he shot me a deadly look before he slapped me hard on my left cheek.

I growled at him and he grabbed a dagger. I hissed in pain when he drew a straight line on my skin with the dagger and he laughed evilly. He stopped and watched as my blood run down my arm as it drip down to the floor, slowly. I looked at the cut and it was healing, slowly. The woman wrote something on the clipboard she's holding and she nodded at Raven.

Raven took out a silver knife and I tried to escape but the tie was too tight. "Oh, don't you dare to escape, little wolf or else I'll punish you" Raven said and I shouted, "I don't care what you say! You have no right to torture me or the other people that you kidnapped! We have nothing to do with you!"

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