Chapter 24

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Some people doesn't think first before doing it. They thought that everything they did were fine but then they didn't realize that it could be something that hurt people's feeling or something bad. They might think that they're perfect but they're wrong. Nobody is perfect.

They might think that they didn't make any mistake and again. They're wrong. Everyone makes mistake. We learn from our mistake but some don't. They're just too blind about it. Thinking that there's nothing wrong about it.


"Amelia, love. Are you okay?" Jayce asked and I turned my face towards him before I nodded. He kissed my forehead and nodded as he took my hand for him to hold. We walked towards the training area and everyone bowed their head at me.

Jayce cursed under his breath as soon as his eyes landed on Blake, my brother and I ran towards him. "Blake. Are you okay?" I asked and he nodded. His heart beat rate fast and he had lots of bruise.

Jayce screamed for the doctor and Gamma Toby came towards me as he said, "Luna, are you sure you want to see him?" I nodded my head, confident and he signaled me to follow me. Jayce grabbed me by my wrist and said, "Be careful, love"

I smiled at him and we walked towards the prison. I never liked this place. It smells like blood and rotten flesh. We finally came to a stop and Toby said, "You ready?" I took a deep breath and nodded at him, telling that I'm ready. The guard opened the front door and we walked inside.

Someone growled at us, dangerously and I closed my eyes, calming down. "Hey" I said and he growled loudly. "I'm sorry that you're lock in here but I need to ask you some question" I told him, patiently and he lowered himself as he watch me. I gulped and Toby put his hand on my shoulder for comfort.

"Tell me what happened. What made you do this?" I asked and he stayed quite. I waited for him to answer and Toby growled at him. I shot Toby a look and he stopped. "I don't know" The guy finally said and I furrowed my eyebrows.

That's not an answer. I know he knew what happened. I stepped forward and Toby stopped me. "Let me be. He's inside the cell" I said and he sighed as he nodded at me. I took a step forward and the guy growled at me. I ignored him and took another step forward.

"Tell me what happened" I ordered and he growled even louder. I clenched my fist and I convince myself to calm down. My wolf tried to take over but I fought her and pushed her to the back of my mind. She whimpered and I felt sorry for her. I sighed and demanded, "Speak"

He hesitated and Toby roared, "You heard her right?! I see that you're betraying your Luna now" I shook my head and he finally said, "I'm doing it for my family! You people put my family's life in danger!" I furrowed my eyebrows at him in confusion and he rolled his eyes at me.

"It was such a pleasure to hurt Blake out there. He deserves it. He deserves to get hurt and you know what. He's such a weak Beta for this stupid pack!" He said and my eyes glow red. No. One. Hurts. My. Family. He laughed coldly and smirked at me.

"Why are you doing this?! Why are you blaming us for your family? What happened? Tell me. What do you want?" I said through gritted teeth and Toby called the guard. I took a step towards the cell and he stood from the ground.

Toby and two of the guards watched him carefully as he walked towards me, slowly. Toby looked like he's ready to rip someone's head off of their body and the guy stopped in front of me. My heart beat fast after he said, "It would be great to see Jayce die in front of me and I will kill you next"

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