Chapter 28

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It's been two weeks after the incident and everything went normal but today, today is not normal. I'm sitting here, in front of the mirror with the girls around me, doing my make up, my hair and nails. Today, Jayce decided to bring me to god knows where. He wouldn't tell me where to and it's annoying. I begged him to tell me. I even gave him my best puppy eyes but he wouldn't fall for it and tell me. He smirked when I gave up and grinned widely.

'Hey! He's your mate and you know that' My wolf argued and I rolled my eyes at her. She ignored me and I sighed for making her upset. "You okay, Amy?" Alexia asked as she stopped doing my make up and I nodded at her. They all stopped doing whatever they did and I sighed in relief. "It's time for the dress!" Felicia and Leah said at the same time. I smiled at both of them and stood from the chair to put my dress on. Felicia handed me the dress and I went to the walk in wardrobe. As soon as I'm in, I closed the door and put the dress on.

I walked out of the walk in wardrobe and the girls screamed, "Oh moon goddess! You look pretty!" I shook my head as I giggled and they pulled me out to the stairs. I froze on top of the stairs as I looked at Jayce and he smirked at me. "Go on now" Alexia whispered and I bit my bottom lips. The girls chuckled and I turned my head at them as I mouthed, 'I'm nervous'

They shook their head as they chuckled and signaled me to go. Jayce cleared his throat and I walked down the stairs slowly. As soon as I reached the ground floor, Jayce wrapped his hand around my waist and whispered, "You look gorgeous, Amelia" My face turned crimson red and he chuckled as we walked out towards his car. We got into the car and he started the car before going to- I don't know.

We finally came to a stop in front of a huge building and got out of the car. "Where are we?" I asked and he took my hand as he brought me inside, not answering my question. I gasped as soon as I saw Alpha Alexander, Luna Madilyn, Jessica, Jason, Rosalie, Danny, Katelyn, Leah, Alpha Dylan, Erisa, Erick, Vanessa, Hunter, Blake, Madison and Jayden. I turned my head to look at Jayce and said, "I thought we're going on a date?"

He chuckled and replied, "Well, we don't. I had to ask you out and prepared everything. I know I lied but I wanted to make a surprise for you" I smiled at him and thanked him for spending his time on this just for me. He nodded and we walked towards the others. The room were fancy and beautiful, there were a lot of round table and comfy chair for everyone to sit on. I don't even know how to explain this amazing place anymore. I looked at everyone and Blake stood as he smiled at me.

"You know, it's your birthday today" He said and I was about to say something but he cut me off. "Nope! No buts. It's your birthday and I just, I don't know why you don't like your birthday so much" He said and everyone stood. I looked at them curiously and they all chuckled before saying, "Happy Birthday!" I smiled at them thankfully and my mother, Madison walked towards me. She smiled at me before she hugged me and I hugged her back. I'm glad that I get to meet my biological mother but- I miss my father.

"I love you sweety" Madison said and I smiled at her. Madison walked away and Jayce guide me towards our table. I sat on the chair while Jayce, Blake and Leah walked out of the room without telling me where they're going and I frowned. Vanessa chuckled and said, "Don't make that face, Ams. They'll be back" I shook my head as I laughed and after a few minute, the three of them came with a huge cake. Leah walked towards me and took my hand before she pulled me towards the cake on the table.

I stood there, not knowing what to do and I scanned the cake in front of me. The cake were a huge, round shape and there's a picture of crescent moon. My name written on the middle and everyone sang me the birthday song. Everything went normal and I got tons of birthday present from them. I haven't open them yet and there's this box wrapped with black wrappers. I don't know who gave it because the person didn't put their name on it. It's making me curious and I feel like I want to open it but I had to wait til I got home.

As soon as we got home, Blake and Leah helped me with my presents and I thanked them afterwards. Jayce went to his office to do some work while I'm in our room, curious with the gift with black wrappers on it. I sat on the couch with the box on my lap and I looked at it for about five minutes. I sighed and decided to open it. I screamed as soon as I saw what's inside of it and Blake came rushing to me. Blake looked at me, curious and asked, "Amelia. What's wrong?" I pointed my finger at the box on the couch and Blake took it before looking inside of it.

He gasped and put it on the couch before hugging me. "It's ok, Amelia. Everything will be alright" He comforted and Jayce came with a worried look on his face. "What is it Blake?" Jayce asked and Blake told him as he pointed at the box. Jayce looked at it and he clenched his fist. There's a finger with bloods on it and a dead rat. It was bloody and disgusting. Jayce took out a folded paper from the box and read it. His knuckles turned white as soon as he read it and he looked at me. His eyes held lots of emotion in it. Anger, sad, worried.

Jayce's P.O.V

"Who's finger was that?!" Blake asked and I shook my head, telling him that I don't know. We're in my office now, discussing about it. I looked at Blake and asked, "Did you see who put the gift?" He shook his head and I groaned in frustration. Amelia's in danger and whoever this is, made Amelia's day worst. Today was suppose to be her happy day but it turned out awful. "Whoever this is will be dead. I will shred their body into pieces for this"

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