Chapter 6

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I woke up in the morning, seeing Jayce infront of me sleeping with his hands around me. I sighed and buried my face on his chest. I closed my eyes and he hugged me tighter, bringing me closer to him.

I snuggled into him, feeling comfortable and safe in his strong hands. He put his chin on top of my head and said, "Good morning, love" I smiled and greeted him back. We stayed like that for a few minute and felt my throat burn. That's when I know that I needed to hunt for blood.

I pulled away from Jayce but his hold was impossible to get out off. "Let. Me. Go" I said through gritted teeth and he refused to do so. I used up all my energy to get out of his hold and ran out as fast as I could. I could hear him chasing after me and I ran even faster. I ran deep into the forest and looked around to see if Jayce is with me.  He was no where in sight.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I opened my eyes and ran to the direction. I hid behind a tree and watch as my victim jumping freely. I couldn't wait any longer so I caught the rabbit and bit into it's neck, drinking it's blood. I moaned as I taste the blood in my mouth and I froze when I heard a movement around me.

I stood immediately and asked, "Who are you?! Show yourself!" He came into the light and a few came from behind me. I smelt their scent and gasped. Rogues. I growled at them and they move even closer. Step by step. I looked around and rushed towards a nearby tree. The rogues looked around, searching for me and I decided to show up behind them as I say, "Looking for me?"

They immediately attacked me and I did the same to them. I threw one of them to the other and they fell to the ground, weak. They growled and bit my leg. I screamed in pain and suddenly someone came, attacking them. The rogue who bit my leg took a hold of my injured leg and tried to pull me down.

I hissed and punched him in the face. He growled in pain and let go of me as I fell to the ground. I looked at the person attacking them and smelt his scent. Mate!

I looked at my leg and I cried in pain.

Jayce's P.O.V

I attacked the rogues and snapped their neck as I heard satisfying crack from their neck. I dropped their limp body to the ground and sighed. I turned to see a dead rabbit and I scrunched my nose in disgust.

Mate! I search for Amelia and I found her sitting on the ground, crying. Her leg was bleeding and I decided to take off my shirt to cover her bleeding leg with it. I tied it around her injured leg and I looked at her. She smiled at me through tears and fall back to the ground.

"Amelia!" I gasped and some of my warrior came. I told them to get rid of the dead bodies and I ran to the pack hospital. Shit! Amelia, please be okay! Please, I'm sorry.

The nurses came towards me and brought Amelia inside. I followed them inside and the doctor told me to wait outside. I walked out of the room and sat on the provided chair. I punched the wall, hard and the others looked at me with their eyes wide open. They walked away, scared of me.

I walked back and forth, worried. Daniel came towards me and said, "Calm down, Jayce. She'll be fine"

"Jayce. What happened?!" Felicia asked as she rush towards me with her family.

"Amelia was acting really strange this morning and she ran towards the forest. So I chased her but then I lost her because she was- fast! Really fast! When I found her, I saw rogues surrounding her" I answered.

The Mystical WolfOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora