Chapter 19

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(A/N) This chapter is all about the Wilsons past. Just to let you know :3


Jayce's P.O.V

"Jayce, Erick, Erisa, Leah! Come home and stop running around!" My mother called out for us. We had a race to go back to the mansion and Leah fell to the ground, right in front of the front door. I rushed towards her and kneel down beside her.

"Are you okay, Leah?" I asked and she cried, "My leg is hurt! Brother, it's hurt!" I hugged her and mother approached us. "What happened here, Jayce?" Mother asked and I told her everything. She nodded and helped me brought Leah back inside.

--Seven years later--

Today, is my 17th birthday and I get to celebrate it. I took a shower and put on my favourite shirt and jeans. I wore my shoes and walked downstairs, into the kitchen. "Good morning mom!" I greeted mother and sat on the chair.

My other siblings came alone and we all talked to each other. Mother gave us our breakfast, pancake and a glass of milk. Father came in just before we ate our breakfast and kissed mother's cheek. "Morning kids!" He greeted and I rolled my eyes.

Kids, I am not a little kid anymore. He laughed and said, "Happy birthday, son! You're getting older now and you'll be the future Alpha to this pack" I nodded as I smiled and ate my breakfast. We finished eating our breakfast and I went outside, to my car.

Leah came and asked if she could come with me. I nodded and a wide smile spread across her face as she entered the car. "You ready to go?" I asked and she nodded. I started the car engine and I pulled my car out of the parking. Leah turned on the radio and her favourite song played. She danced in the car, happily and I laughed watching her.

When we arrived, I park my car beside Erick's car and we got out of the car together. "Jayce, your girl is coming!" Erick said and I turned around to see Cassandra running towards me.

"Hey babe! Happy birthday" She greeted and kissed my cheek. I thanked her for greeting and we walked inside together. "You know, brother. Tonight's party will be great!" Erisa said and I nodded as I smiled. Cassandra went to her locker and so do I.

"What do you have today?" Blake asked as soon as he saw me. I shrugged and he leaned his back on his locker. "I wonder if I could find my little sister" He said, sadly and I put my hand on his shoulder as I said, "Don't worry. You'll find her"

A group of three girls came to me and the blonde one gave me a box along with a flower. They greeted me happy birthday and I winked at them before I thanked them. They walked away and I heard them freaking out. I chuckled and Blake shook his head as he sighed.

I looked over at Cassandra and saw a guy pinning her, seductively on her locker. Blake made a 'tsk' sound and I walked away. "You're just gonna let other guy flirt her?" Blake asked and I answered, "It doesn't matter. There's still other girls here"

We finally arrived at our class and sat on our table. Yes, we're in the same class this morning. I tapped on a girl's shoulder in front of me and she turned around. I asked her for her name and she answered, "My name is Jasmine" I don't know her. I mean, she's a human. I winked at her and her face turned red. I asked her out with me and she nodded. Great! We exchanged our number and she thanked me before the class start.


I sat on the living room with the others and we watched netflix. This is great. Erisa came with a bunch of cookies and a drink to the living room and everyone started to dig in. Oh yum. She always bake the best cookie ever! I'm proud of my sister. "Alright now! Everyone go to shower and get ready for Jayce's birthday party!" Erisa demanded and everyone went to their room to take a shower.

I took a long shower and walked out of my bathroom with a towel wrapped around my waist to see Cassandra sitting on my bed. "Oh, hey babe!" She said and I asked, "What are you doing here? You need to get ready for my party" She walked over to me and peck me on the lips. "I'm just checking on you. Alright now, I'll see you later" She said before she walked out of my room.

I wore my grey shirt and jeans before I put on my shoes. I walked out of my room to the pack house and saw a lot of people crowded the place. Everyone is here but where's mom and dad? I sat on the couch besides Blake and he shouted through the loud song, "Hey bro! You made it to your own party!"

I laughed and nodded, happily. Cassandra came and sat beside me on the couch before I kissed her on the lips. She kissed me back before I pulled away and I wrapped my arm around her. "I need everyone's attention please!" Erisa said by using the microphone and everyone looked at her.

"Thank you! Now, I just want to ask you guys a favor to sing my brother, Jayce a happy birthday song" She said, excitedly and I laughed. She's always the hyper one. I shook my head and she counted to three before everyone started to sing a happy birthday song. Leah came with a cake and I stood from the couch.

"Ok now, make a wish Jayce!" Erisa said and I smiled as I blew the candles. Everyone clapped their hands and they started to do whatever they were doing before. I went outside, standing there and sighed. Where's my parents?

The next morning, after my birthday, I woke up in my bed and did my routine. After that, I went to the kitchen to find my siblings, crying and I asked them what happened. Beta Jayden looked at me and told me to sit.

"Alpha. Your parents, they're dead" He told me and I laughed. "You're joking right? I mean, how can you said that without even laughing?" I said, laughing sarcastically and he sighed. Madison walked over to me and told me the same thing before I broke in front of them. It can't be. They're not dead right? I'm just dreaming right?

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