Chapter 31

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"Amelia, control yourself!" Blake screamed and Amelia glared at him. Amelia couldn't control herself. Her wolf was too powerful for her to beat. Her vampire side tried and tried but ended up failing. Amelia groaned mentally and without noticing, she threw Jayce to the wall. Everyone in the room gasped and Amelia said, "Don't try me or else you'll get hurt" Jayce groaned in pain and Amelia chuckled coldly. That is not her and the others know it. Amelia tried to fight her wolf as she used all of her strength to gain control and she finally succeed.

She fell to the ground, weak and the barrier around her and Jayce were no longer there. Blake ran towards Amelia and put her head on his lap. "Amelia? Are you okay?" Blake asked and Amelia smiled weakly. Blake hugged Amelia closed to him like his life is depending on her and Amelia said, "I'm fine, Blake" Her voice was hoarse and Blake shook his head at her as he lift her up, bridal style. "Bring him to the pack hospital and make sure no one knows anything about this" Blake said and he brought Amelia to her room as he mind-linked the doctor to come.

After the doctor checked on Amelia, Blake stayed for a while and talked to Amelia. Blake was being a great brother to Amelia and they got along really well. Amelia got to know more about how her father told Blake to protect her because Amelia's the chosen one. Even though she's not fully a wolf, she was chosen for a reason. The dark wolf was a good wolf once but then he was jealous of Amelia, the mystical wolf. Amelia had everything he ever wanted but he didn't. He could be destroyed by the chosen one, that is Amelia.

Her father knew before it happened because the moon goddess told him herself. That is why her father requested Blake to protect her. The necklace he gave her was something that's really important. It's something that every supernatural creature wanted. The necklace had a red ruby and silver key on it. The red ruby can only be touch by the chosen one. It's her responsibility to protect them and to not let anyone have it. If it got to the wrong hand, that person will turn into an evil and powerful creature.

"Amelia, is it okay if I go?" Blake asked and Amelia nodded her head as she smiled at him. Blake stood from his seat and was about to walk but Amelia stopped him as she said, "Thank you for looking after me, Blake" Blake smiled at her and kissed Amelia's forehead before he walked out of the room. After a few minutes of some alone time, there was a knock on the door and Amelia let them in. It was Erisa, Jayce's sister and Dylan, her mate. "Hey. How are you, Amelia?" Erisa asked as she smiled at Amelia and Amelia said, "I'm fine. Why are you here?"

"We heard about you and Jayce. So I decided to check on you. My mate will try and talk to Jayce though. Don't worry" Erisa said, reassuringly. Amelia sighed and said, "I don't think he want me anymore" Erisa frowned at the thought of that and she sat on the edge of the bed, next to Amelia. Dylan stood beside Erisa with his hand on Erisa's shoulder and he said, "Don't worry. I'll talk to him and everything will be alright" Amelia shook her head as tears slid down her cheek and Erisa comfort her.

Erisa looked at Dylan and he nodded his head before he excused himself. He walked out of the room and closed the door shut. Erisa sighed and looked at Amelia. "It's not your fault that Leah died though. Jayce is wrong to blame everything on you" Erisa said as she rolled her eyes at the thought of her brother. Amelia kept quiet as another tear left her eyes and Erisa hugged her. Amelia wiped her tears away and pulled away from Erisa as she smiled at her. They talked to each other in peace and did everything together.

Meanwhile, Dylan visited Jayce in the hospital with Hunter and Toby on his back. "Alpha Dylan, I just want to warn you to be careful with Alpha Jayce" Toby said and Dylan nodded his head as he said, "Thank you, Gamma Toby" Dylan walked inside and as soon as he's inside, Jayce shot his head up to look at Dylan. Jayce looked at Dylan questioningly and Dylan greeted him. "How are you?" Dylan asked and Jayce said, "I'm fine. What brings you here and where's my sister?" Dylan smiled at him and said, "She's with Amelia"

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