Chapter 2

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Amelia's dress


"Girls, wake up! It's time for you to help the others for tonight" Rosalie shouted from the other side of the door. We woke up and I opened the door to see Rosalie smiling at me. She peeked into my room and I turned around to see Katelyn and Vanessa, walking towards the bathroom like a zombie. Wait, they're going into my bathroom together?!

"Kate! Nessa!" I shouted.

"Hey! What are you doing in my bedroom?" Vanessa asked and I face palm mentally. "Girls! It's my bedroom" I told them and they shot their head, looking at me in confusion. I sighed and told them about last night's event. They tilted their head to the side and Vanessa said, "Oh! I forgot about that"

I shook my head and they both walked out to their individual room. I closed the door and decided to take a shower. I put on a comfy clothes and went downstairs to eat breakfast. As soon as I enter the kitchen, I was attack by a bone crushing hug.

"I missed you so much, Amy"

I pulled away and smiled when I see his face. Austin, soon to be Alpha of the pack. He's one of my best friends and we were close to each other since we were a little. He had always been there for me whenever I need someone or when I'm in trouble. We had a few classes together in school so we would do our homework together and help each other out when needed.

"Where were you yesterday?" I asked and he said, "I was busy helping my dad with a few paper work and I had to learn more to become an Alpha" I nodded understandingly and smiled at him. We ate our breakfast together and had a little chat. After breakfast, he had to go and continue his work from yesterday.

After a long lonely and boring day, Vanessa finally decided to show up at 5 p.m. "Go get a shower and I'll be waiting for you here! Aubrey will come and she'll help you with your make up! Now go!" Vanessa said.

I walked towards the bathroom and Vanessa pushed me. Seriously, Nessa? I shook my head and sighed as I took a shower and after a few minutes in the shower, Vanessa shouted, "Amy! You better hurry! There'll be someone important here! You don't want our guest wait for the party to start don't you?"

"Ok, ok!" I replied.

"Amelia! Don't move! Stay still!" Aubrey told me and I asked, "What took you guys so long?"

"Just wait and calm down, will you?" Vanessa said and I sighed as I let them do whatever they planned to do to me.

After an hour later, they were finally done with my make up and hair style. "Finishing touch and you're done!" Aubrey said and I sighed in relief. Katelyn chuckled, looking at my expression and I smiled at her.

"Finally! I'm done!" I said happily. I stood and the girls looked at me, without saying a word. I looked at them in confusion and asked, "What? Why are you looking at me like that?" They snapped out of their thought and smiled widely as they looked at me proudly.

We heard a knock on the door and Vanessa opened the door as she pulled her mother in. Rosalie looked at me and a wide smile took over her face. "You look beautiful, Amelia" She said sweetly and I thanked her. I was wearing the dress we bought yesterday and they did a natural make up on me. My hair was curled into a slight wave and it loose down my back and shoulder.

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