- match my energy

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"Welcome to Teen Wolf: Revelations! I'm Jill Wagner. And back in season one, I played Kate Argent," Jill smiledb. "But tonight, I'm here to talk to the cast about the unbelievable episode we just watched, give it up for the amazing cast. Holland Roden, who plays Lydia. Crystal Reed, who plays Allison. Mr. Tyler Posey, who plays Scott. Daniel Sharman, who plays Isaac. Aurora Piper, who plays Mia."

The audience cheered and Aurora giggled, Daniel smiling at her.

"Charlie Carver, who plays Ethan. Max Carver, who plays Aiden. Hayley Webb, who plays Jennifer, AKA the Darach. Ian Bohen, who plays Peter."


"Daniel, Mia has denied feelings for Isaac the entire season without actually saying it, even though they did hook up that one time, but in tonight's finale, Isaac asked her straight about what was between them, and she denied her feelings once again. So, do you think Isaac will give up on her or keep chasing after her and being there for her?"

"Well, it's obvious that Isaac is infatuated with her, I mean who wouldn't be? Look at her, she's beautiful," Daniel gestured to Aurora, the girl blushing with a smile. "So, I think Isaac can't give up on her. She's the first person he's had feelings for, and you can't give something like the connection these two characters have up that easily. Mia can keep rejecting him, but Isaac won't give up."

"Aurora, why do you think Mia keeps denying her feelings?" Jill asked.

"She's scared. It's love, not just that, it's first love, which is all new and scary, especially to someone like her. She has all these emotional walls up and when someone like Isaac, who can't take a hint and keeps flirting with her subtly, tries to break these walls down, it scares her." Aurora explained, thinking about how terrified she was when she first realized her feelings for Daniel.


"Do you think even if Mia says she doesn't have feelings, they'll hook up again?" Jill wondered and Aurora and Daniel laughed.

"I hope so." Daniel admitted and the audience screamed.

"Oh my god," Aurora mumbled, covering her face with her hands and the audience awed.

"She's shy, guys." Daniel joked and wrapped an arm around Aurora. "Come on, you know you want another hookup scene."

"Maybe a little bit." Aurora smiled.


"Aurora, I have to know, does Bucky Sharper, ever come with you and Daniel on set?"

"Oh, everyday," Aurora confirmed. "Bucky is Daniel and I's dog, for those who don't know, but yeah, he comes with us all the time. He has his own little corner in each of our trailers with a bed and food, but he spends more time in mine."

"You are such a liar." Daniel shook his head. "He loves his bed in my trailer, you just keep bribing him with treats."

"He gives me this face if I don't give him a second one and oh my god, he's so cute." Aurora gushed.


"Daniel, have you ever suffered any injuries while shooting?"

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