- it's not my fault

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Aurora smiled when a taxi pulled up outside the courthouse in Los Angeles. After a week of filming, she, Daniel, Colton, and Camila headed back to LA for the trial.

Mindy Piper stepped out of the taxi, immediately pulling her daughter into a hug. Aurora hugged back, smiling into her mother's shoulder. "Hi Mom."

"Hey sweetie," Mindy smiled and looked at her daughter. "You look beautiful, all things considered."

"Thanks Mom," Aurora laughed and slipped her hand into Daniel's. "Mom, this is my boyfriend, Daniel. Of course, you already knew that because you two have been texting."

"I need to make sure you're not doing anything stupid." Mindy shrugged.

"It's good to see you in real life, Miss Mindy." Daniel smiled and the two hugged.

"You too, Daniel." Mindy sighed and wrapped an arm around her daughter. "Now let's go make sure this asshat gets locked up."


Many people filled the courtroom, sitting quietly as they listened to the judge speak. Aurora sat next to Daniel and her lawyer sat in front of them. Behind the couple was Mindy, Camila, Todd, Laura, and Colton.

Aurora fidgeted with her hands nervously as the judge continued to speak. She glanced to the other side of the courtroom, where Aaron Byrons and his lawyer sat. Disgust grew in her just at the sight of him.

She could feel her breathing getting heavier and Daniel noticed immediately. He placed his hands over her, whispering to her. "Breathe, deep breaths."

Aurora nodded and closed her eyes, taking slow breaths.

"Aurora Piper to the stands, please."

Daniel gave her hand a squeeze and smiled at her before Aurora stood up, sitting down at the stand.

"State your full legal name please." The judge requested.

"Aurora Josephine Piper."

"Ms. Piper, can you explain the events leading up to the incident?" Aaron's lawyer asked.

"I was at a club with my friends Camila, Laura, Nina, and Crystal. I was on the phone with my boyfriend before I went back to the dance floor. I was dancing and then I got separated from the group. I just continued dancing when he walked up to me. He was getting too close to me so I tried backing away but he grabbed my wrist and pulled me into a storage closet." Aurora explained as her right hand played with her bracelet.

"Is it true that your boyfriend told you to be careful that night?"

"Yeah, so? He was just looking out for me." Aurora shrugged.

"So because you were given a warning prior to the incident, would you agree that you are at fault for the incident?"

Aurora's eyes widened when he asked the question, her heart beginning to race as she heard Colton mumbled "He's not really pulling this shit, is he?"

She glanced at Daniel, who sat with his jaw clenched and a furious look on his face. He couldn't believe that they were trying to turn this on her. Anger grew in his chest as he ran a hand over his face.

Aurora bit her lip before speaking, "Every since the assault, it's been a debate in my mind whether or not if what happened is actually my fault. I've cried and worried over this, and you know? It's not my fault. Not at all."

She looked at Aaron, looking at him directly in the eye. "He didn't have to approach me at the club. He didn't have to continue to follow me after I told him multiple times to leave me alone. He didn't have to drag into a storage room and do what he did. He could have let me enjoy my night, get home safe and sound, but he didn't. And that's his fault. Not mine."

A proud smile rose to Daniel's face as Aurora continued to speak, "You saw the video footage, didn't you? You can see me kicking and screaming, begging him to stop, but he didn't. What happened was his fault. So no, I wouldn't agree that it was my fault."

𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝𝐬 𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐝𝐞, 𝐝. 𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐧Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz