- no escape

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Aurora made her way to the dance floor, Laura and Camila giggling drunkenly when she found them. The three of them began to dance together, trying to talk over the loud music but not hearing a thing.

Aurora's head spun around in confusion when she didn't see Laura or Camila by her side. She looked around the club, but didn't see them. She just shrugged and continued to dance, her body moving with the music.

She turned around when she felt someone's presence behind her. Her eyes met a pair of dark green eyes that made her feel uneasy. The green eyes belonged to a man with black hair who began to grind against Aurora.

She jumped and walked away, shaking her head. She pushed her way throughout the crowd of dancers and started to feel dizzy, her vision blurring. She felt a hand on her butt and swung around to see the same man with green eyes. Aurora gave him a glare and mumbled, "That's the no-no-zone."

The man smirked at her and grabbed her wrist. Aurora's eyes widened as she tried to pull away from him, but his grip on her wrist just tightened.

"Let go, asshat!" Aurora demanded as the man pulled her towards a storage closet. She opened her mouth to scream but the man clamped his hand over her mouth. Tears brimmed her eyes while she tried to push him away, her drunken state making her weak.

He slammed her against the wall of the storage closet and locked the door. Aurora let out a sob and she tried to push him off her again.

"Stop, please," Aurora cried and the man said nothing. "I don't want this- I don't want to do this, please!"

Multiple sobs left Aurora's mouth as the man unzipped her dress, slipping it off her. He began to unbuckle his pants and Aurora tried to stand, the man pushing her back down. He smirked at her as he whispered, "Settle down, sweetie, there's no escape."



rory, let me know when you get home

it's nearing two in the morning there

aurora, please let me know you're okay



Oliver Langston stepped away from the dancing crowd of the club and into the men's bathroom. He ran his hands over his face and looked down. A confused look grew on his face when he saw a black Chanel bag, a phone with a cracked screen, and a wallet on the floor.

He picked up the belongings and looked forward. From his view, he could see someone sitting down in the stall. Oliver stood up and knocked on the door, but it only pushed the door open. He looked inside the stall.

His eyes widened when he saw a women leaning against the wall. Tear stains were on her face and her hair was messed up. The dress she wore was crooked and wasn't zipped up all the way, like someone had tried to shove it on her as fast as they could. Her eyes were closed and Oliver moved closer to her.

He shook his head in anger as he realized what happened to her.

"Hey, hey," Oliver shook her gently and the women's eyes opened. He could see the fear in them as they filled up with tears. "It's okay, relax-"

"Get away from me." She mumbled and tears ran down her face again.

"It's alright, I'm not gonna hurt you." Oliver promised and looked at her again, noticing the small amount of blood on the side of her head. "You're bleeding. Can I pick you up?"

The women looked at him for a second and nodded. Oliver moved closer to her and she flinched, fear flashing in her eyes. He raised his hands to prove that he didn't mean any harm before picking her off the ground. He grabbed her belongings from the ground and looked down at her. "Did you come here with someone? I mean, before..."

"I was here with my friends, but I think they left." She assumed.

"I'm sorry, what's your name?"

"Aurora Piper."


Aurora winced as Oliver placed a bandage on the side of her head.

"Sorry." Oliver whispered and Aurora nodded.

The two sat in Oliver's apartment after he snuck her out of the club, Aurora begging him not to take her a hospital.

"I'll be right back." Oliver stood up and walked out of the room. Aurora covered her face with her hands as she shivered.

Tears brimmed her eyes as her mind flashed back to the previous events that took place a couple hours ago. She felt dirty, like she could still feel the man's hands on her body as she kicked and screamed for him to let her go.

A part of her felt like she could never go near a male again. She didn't know why she trusted Oliver, but she did.

She wanted her mother. She wanted one of her mother's hugs. She wanted Camila and Laura.

She wanted Daniel.

But the idea of him placing a hand on her terrified her.

Aurora grew worried when she felt her throat close up. Her breathing became heavy and she placed a hand on her chest. She closed her eyes and focused on her breathing.

"Deep breaths." Aurora whispered and opened her eyes. They looked around the room before stopping on a painting of a lake. She stared at it as her hand laid on her chest, feeling her chest move up and down.

She reached up when she felt tears on her face, scaring her even further. She could feel her heart rate speed up and closed her eyes again when she realized there was no escape from the nightmare she was now living.

so basically right before i started writing this i decided that if i was going to write social media stories, i wanted there to be issues and problems that actually happen, that readers go through. readers don't go through getting cheated on by a famous celebrity and then having a TMZ article written about it. i want to bring awareness to things like anxiety, mental health, sexual harassment, issues that aren't represented in actual tv shows, movies, or books! so, i began to write characters with anxious tendencies that i do, being a person a with anxiety, and characters that struggle with depression, which is always something i go through. i just want readers to read my books and know that they're not the only ones, that they are not alone.

𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝𝐬 𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐝𝐞, 𝐝. 𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐧Where stories live. Discover now